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Opening Arguments


Chivalry is pretty much dead, and we got to watch it die, starting in the 60s when some women decided it was sexist in that it promoted the idea of strong men and weak women, an idea that had to be ditched if there was ever to be true equality. We have not leveled the field so much as we have removed one of the biggest connstraints on male aggression. So maybe we should give chivalry another chance:

Our sick state

Cheer up, you sick puppy, at least we don't live in Lousiana:

Indiana has never been considered a leader in public health. We were late to the no-public-smoking party. Soda-size limits, ala New York City, would not fly here. No mountains or seashores compel us to exercise.

A little history

Happy 196th birthday to us!

On this day in 1816, President James Madison signed an act of Congress admitting Indiana to the Union as the 19th state. Its accession culminated a process that took nearly two decades. In 1800, Congress had carved out the Indiana Territory from the organic Northwest Territory, the first new subregion to be so designated.

Posted in: History, Hoosier lore

Did I hear someone say cold blooded?

"Stuff nobody would believe if you made it up" department:

President Barack Obama, who recently defeated Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, can add another item to his list of honors and awards: Yale and Harvard researchers have named an ancient lizard after the commander-in-chief.

Happy holidays!

Social Studies

Its' a states' rights thing

Bad deal?

Blips on the gaydar

I guess I'm a little surprised it's coming this soon, but we've been talking about this here for a few years -- the obvious need of the Surpeme Court to tackle the gay marriage question. It has decided to review  the federal Defense of Marriage Act and California's Proposition 8, both of which make "one man, one woman" the standard.

Getting the point

Mo God, can it be -- a liberal who has finally gotten it?

THIS is what poverty sometimes looks like in America: parents here in Appalachian hill country pulling their children out of literacy classes. Moms and dads fear that if kids learn to read, they are less likely to qualify for a monthly check for having an intellectual disability.

Head aches

Posted in: Current events

We're so typical

The Wall Stree Journal uses Fort Wayne to ilustrate the mismatch today between jobs available and applicants' skills:

FORT WAYNE, Ind.—Unemployment in this Midwest manufacturing city is 6.8%, below the national average, but far above normal historically. There are 14,600 people locally looking for work, about 60% more than six years ago.

Sorry words

Gov. Daniels is getting some props for the "simple, elegant and classy" way he apologized for remarks he made recently. At the opening of the I-69 Evansville extension, he had said that the world was divided into two groups, "builders and bellachers." That upset some people who thought the governor was being dismissive of legitimate concerns the highway. Some of them complained in letters to the Indianapolis Star. So the governor sent his own letter to the newspaper:

Great job, boys

Welcome to the tribe

What might this country look like after a couple more generations of complete dependence on government? Don't want to scare you, but . . .


For those of you who complained that there wasn't a dime's bit of difference between the presidential candidates, I give you this:

(From the "30 most disturbing face swaps of 2012." Warning: Some of these will keep you awake nights. Check out No. 11 for true creepiness --"This old lady and a cat.")

Where is the love?

Guess they'll just have to go back to relying on absolute terror. I mean, if you're not going to demand a show of love and affection, you better get respect, right?


Well, hell, then, let's send him in to get that fiscal-cliff deal done:

Photo finish

Lot of discussion out there about the dramatic photo on Page 1 of the New York Post of a man on the subway tracks just moments before the train hits him. Should ther Post have used it at all, or put it on an inside page? Could/should the photographer tried to help the victim instead of taking the photo?

Ready to lose
