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A cozy little plateau

The New York Times finally acknowledges that global warming has plateaued and grudgingly bows to the obvious:

The slowdown is a bit of a mystery to climate scientists.

[. . .]

But given how much is riding on the scientific forecast, the practitioners of climate science would like to understand exactly what is going on.

[. . .]


This just in -- you're still going to hell, atheists:

Pope Francis' homily last Wednesday led some observers to think he was equating atheists with Catholics who are going to heaven.

Posted in: Religion

Way cool

Hot sex

Arsenio Hall had a segment on his show called "Things that make you go hmmmm." Bet he would have had fun with this one:

Here come the ghouls

When Pastor Rick Warren lost his son Matthew to mental illness and suicide, the cowards and ghouls crawled out from under their rocks:

Slaying David

On "Meet the Press" yesterday, moderator David Gregory was talking with Cardinal Francis George about the new people and seems more interested in American politics than Catholic teachings:

Set in stone

Here's an odd-lawsuit story for which I tried to summon up enough empathy to root for one side or the other, and failed:

A Catholic church has put the brakes on a headstone designed with the NASCAR logo.

Cash on the line

Today is Johnny Cash's birthday, and National Review Online has a pretty good read on how Hollywood "De-Christianized" him:

Leaving out Cash’s Christian faith from his life story is like leaving out half-naked 19-year-old girls from Hugh Hefner’s. It’s like telling the story of Jackie Robinson without ever mentioning race or segregation.

Pope emeritus

I never thought about it before, but I guess if something hasn't happened in more than 600 years, it might take some studying to figure out how to deal with it.

Pope cycle
