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Wish you were here. Oh, wait, you are

RIP, Jack Klugman

He was 90. I was a big fan of "The Odd Couple," especially because I identified with the slovenly Oscar. The secret of life is that Oscars and Felixes need each other because their opposite traits create a weird sort of harmony. I also liked the early years of "Quincy, M.E." (before the protagonist started giving long, preachy speeches). But the best thing Klugman ever did was get the stalled Orphan Drug Act through Congress with the use of his star power:


Sometimes it seems as if there's just no justice in this world, eh, ladies?

Mine shaft

Well, it's dark as a dungeon, way down in . . . oh, never mind. Now, this is irony:

When a famous coal museum wanted to save some money on its electricity bill, it turned to the obvious power source. Yes, Wales' Big Pit National Coal Mining Museum has installed 200 solar panels on its roof.

Grin and bear it

Buck up, ladies:

Men have long claimed that their pain threshold is higher than women’s, while women cite childbirth as proof the opposite is true.

Take five

Hey, we haven't had a "research proves the obvious" post for a while. So here's a "well, duh" gem:

ATLANTA (CBS Atlanta)- Most people are familiar with the famed “five second rule,” which states that if dropped food is picked up off the floor within five seconds of contact, it is still safe to consume.

Though a popular belief, a new study has found that germs often win the race.

Crazy for you

See there, I have an excuse:

Creativity is often part of a mental illness, with writers particularly susceptible, according to a study of more than a million people.

Writers had a higher risk of anxiety and bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, unipolar depression, and substance abuse, the Swedish researchers at the Karolinska Institute found.

Posted in: All about me, Science

Welcome, new computer overlords

I guess we all know what happens next:

(CNN) -- There's no escaping the fact that the Human Brain Project, with its billion-dollar plan to recreate the human mind inside a supercomputer, sounds like a science fiction nightmare.

Complex and surprising

Why, yes, it makes perfect sense that global warming would result in more Antarctic ice:

While the North Pole has been losing sea ice over the years, the water nearest the South Pole has been gaining it. Antarctic sea ice hit a record 7.51 million square miles in September. That happened just days after reports of the biggest loss of Arctic sea ice on record.


Heck of a tribute to celebrate the life of Neil Armstrong:

Nobody knows where the next astronauts on the moon will come from. But I expect there is a good chance that they will be Chinese," said Morris Jones, an Australian space expert.

"China's space programme is moving steadily forward. If they continue at this pace, they will develop the capability to reach the moon around 2030."
