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Opening Arguments

Don't need no stinkin' permit

I've mention a few times year that Indiana has even looser gun laws than Texas. Well, Kansas now has both of us beat:

This is protection?

Stupid kids have been doing stupid things since the beginning of time. There should be a better way to handle it than making stupidity a crime:

Word power

Interesting words I encountered while wandering through the blogosphere.

obloquy (OB-luh-kwee), n. -- discredit, abuse or bad repute resulting from public blame, abuse or denunciation, as in: "Indiana has been showered with obloquy this week by sneering liberal elites."

Nice tat, private

The times, the are a changin':

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — A newly revised tattoo policy that will remove the limit on the number and size of soldiers' tattoos is coming very soon, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said Wednesday.

Smart diplomacy

Can we take a break from the great RFRA freakout for a moment to think a little about something a tad bit more serious?

It is amazing -- indeed, staggering -- that so few Americans are talking about what it would mean for the world's biggest sponsor of international terrorism, Iran, to have nuclear bombs, and to be developing intercontinental missiles that can deliver them far beyond the Middle East.

Google dummies

Don't think you're such hot stuff just because you know how to use a search engine:

Search engines like Google or Yahoo make people think they are smarter than they actually are because they have the world's knowledge at their fingertips, psychologists at Yale University have found.

Posted in: Web/Tech

The free range days are gone

Sad but true: We've allowed our neighborhoods to become so dangerous we can't just let our kids be kids anymore.

I'm a new father. Like many new parents, I've been giving a lot of thought to how I want to raise my child. And just as this became my life's primary mission, there emerged this phenomenon of "free range kids." An anti-helicopter parenting movement was just what I wanted.

The IRS forever

Yeah, he's probably right, but he doesn't have to sound so smug about it:

The IRS commissioner on Tuesday brushed aside GOP proposals to abolish his agency, insisting the U.S. would have to have a tax collector one way or another. 

“You can call them something other than the IRS if that made you feel better,” the agency’s chief, John Koskinen, said after a speech at the National Press Club.

Oh, look, a squirrel!

You have to get used to a certain amount of posturing in this business, just accept that a lot of the people you're talking to are saying things just for effect. But honestly, the posturing in the last week over Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoraion Act has become insufferable.

Against death, period

This is interesting. Liberal and conservative Catholics disagree on abortion, same-sex marriage and a lot of other things. But there might be an anti-death penalty consensus developing, or at least emerging.

The great RFRA freakout

My goodness. Indiana sort of got real famous real fast, huh? If we get verbally firebombed by one more preening liberal or boycotted by one more airheaded CEO, we might as well roll up our tent and go home, huh? Kinda the point, I'm guessing.

In case you dont feel like reading through the avalanche of stories about our passage of RFRA, I've picked two that seem representative.

Gotcha, Bowe

Obviously the Bowe Bergdahl deal was a bad trade. In return for five terrorists, four of whom are expected to rejoin the fight, we got a deserter, and several men were killed trying to find the worthless piece of crap. But at least the military has ignored all the poltical hoopla from the White House and seems (surprisingly) to be doing the right thing:

I've looked at life from both sides now

The "religious freedom" act heading to the governor's desk provides a good case study of how polarized we've become.

Nothing in writing

It was bad enough that President Obama decided to call a deal with Iran "an agreement" instead of a treaty to get around that pesky problem of congressional consent. Now there is this:

Word power

Interesting words I encountered while wandering through the blogosphere.

prepossession (pree-puh-zesh-uh-n), n. -- a prejudice or bias, especially in favor of a person or thing, as in: "When I encounter someone with a liberal prepossession, I listen to his arguments a little more suspiciously."

Yes, your imminents

Oh, Dear God in Heaven, please save us!

Researchers Predice 'Imminent Collapse' Of Universe After Period Of Rapid Expansion

Oh, wait.

Bald, baby, bald

True believer
