The abortion debate seems pointless and futile because a majority of Americans don't agree with the most zealous advocatesd of either side:
The abortion debate seems pointless and futile because a majority of Americans don't agree with the most zealous advocatesd of either side:
Regular readers know I've been arguing against a shield law for journalists for years, for many reasons, chief among them that the press can't be a very effective watchdog of the government if the government is allowed to define who the legitimate press is. James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal fills out that argument a little by putting it in historical context
I agree with the thrust of Robert J. Samuelson's concerns, if not the near-hysterical fear:
Why a newspaper decided to change its name:
A shout-out for libertarianism from a conservative:
The only truly new political idea in the last couple thousand years is this libertarian idea, broadly understood. The revolution wrought by John Locke, Edmund Burke, Adam Smith, and the Founding Fathers is the only real revolution going. And it’s still unfolding.
Maybe there is hope for the human race after all:
Nancy Pelosi: Hey, the Founders would have been cool with Obamacare; in fact, it's probably something they even had in mind:
Here's some scary stuff, because while this woman is one of the few dumb enough to say it out loud, there are a whole lot of people in government who think exactly the same way . . .
Illinois State Representative Sara Feigenholtz thinks her job is to “give rights” to people.
[. . .]
OK it's official now. Bill Clinton has a failed ex-presidency:
NEW YORK (AP) -- It's a diplomatic failure at the highest level: Bill Clinton couldn't get Led Zeppelin to reunite.
The CBS "60 Minutes Overtime" webcast reported Monday that the former president was enlisted to ask the British rock gods to get back together last year for the Superstorm Sandy benefit concert in New York City. He asked, they said no.
Ah, the return of an old friend -- on the day of the dedication of George W. Bush's presidntial lirary, the Bush Derangement Syndrome comes out of hiding:
Media Matters took a break from whining about Fox News to weigh in.