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Opening Arguments

Crying over spilled oil

If I hear one more politician or commentator call the Gulf oil spill the "worst natural diaster in American history," I'll scream. Maybe I'll get lucky -- we seem to be in the "It wasn't nearly as bad as it seemed" stage: (via Instapundit)

The cost of peace

With talk of the U.S. leaving iraq and Afghanistan, there are mounting calls for a "peace dividend." But we've been there, done that -- we made major military reductions after the Revolution, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and the Persian Gulf War. As a result, we were ill prepared for the next conflict, and in some cases it could even be argued our downsizing even  contributed to the next conflict. Furthermore:


Mr. Early Adopter gets burned again:

Kindle is our #1 bestselling item for two years running. It's also the most-wished-for, most-gifted, and has the most 5-star reviews of any product on Amazon. Now it's even better.


A win for open and vigorous debate:

SOUTH BEND — A St. Joseph County judge has dismissed a libel lawsuit against The Tribune and ordered the plaintiff to pay more than $47,000 in legal costs to the newspaper.

St. Joseph County resident Michael Sheneman filed suit against The Tribune in January 2009, alleging that a story written by reporter Jeff Parrott included false statements and libelous claims.

Trash talk

Washingto two-step

One step forward:

Future historians will pinpoint Democratic Sen. Harry Reid's energy legislation, released Tuesday, as the moment that the political movement of global warming entered an irreversible death spiral. It is kaput! Finito! Done!



Jasonville, Indiana (CNN) -- Last Christmas, Stacey Chapman hung a stocking, anxiously awaiting the homecoming of the all-American soldier she had met online and planned to marry.

Time out

First it was Casual Fridays (which I take very seriously; don't drop by here on that day if you expect to see someone who looks professional). That was followed by Lazy Fridays, the trend from Australia in which workers take off for the pubs at 3 p.m. Now we have the logical extension, Furlough Fridays:

Another great TV moment

Another office older has "wandered off the Meet the Press reservation (love that phrase) and further blurred the line between politics with entertainment. Yes, it's President Obama,  sitting down to play Roses and Thorns with perhaps the four silliest people on television:


For the past two days, I've been harangued by phone and e-mail and in person over a letter to the editor we published Monday. It spoke against the recent City Council proposal to ban K2:

Four of

I think I might have called it quits after the first time:

A pilot escaped a plane crash Tuesday morning in Seymour, Indiana.

The crash happened just before 9 a.m. at Freeman Field. Police say the SE 5A single engine, World War I era bi-plane lost power approximately 50 to 60 feet off the ground and crash in a field just north of the runway.

The pilot, Phillip Krueger of Freetown, Ind., suffered only minor scrapes and bruises as a result of the crash.

Nice guys

How to make the public like you:

The new director of player relations for the Indiana Pacers says he hopes to improve the image of players as a means of boosting the franchise. Former Pacer and current broadcaster Clark Kellogg says if he can successfully mentor the players, the result will be a positive reputation for the team and for the city.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

VAT attack

Discussion of a VAT as a replacement for the income tax is a valuable part of the fiscal policy debate -- for one thing it would "broaden the tax base and make everyone pay for the welfare state that still has substantial political support." But I doubt the conclusion:


You know, I always did think they looked like Hoosiers:

Like many around the state, two American icons are eagerly awaiting the start of the state fair next month — in fact the nation's most famous farm couple will be first in line.

Posted in: Uncategorized


Knock, knock. Who's there?

Never a cop around when you need one. Sometimes it's because of police ineptness:

The District police department policy on forcible entry caused a "deadly delay" as officers waited for a supervisor outside an apartment while a mother and her two young sons were being stabbed to death inside, according to a lawsuit filed by the woman's family.

Can the corn

We can do better

Rats. While Louisiana gets bragging rights for being No. 1, all Indiana can muster is to be named the country's 15th laziest state by Business Week:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Let me eat cakes

Enough with the Afghan leak frivolity and Journolist humdrummery. Let's talk about something important: Yodels or Devil Dogs?

So, with little delay, I decided to buy a box of Yodels and a box of Devil Dogs. I thought it would be fun for the kids to try one of my childhood treats.

[. . .]

Ha, ha, I'm in big trouble

Ecclesiastes 3 doesn't mention this specifically, but since it does say "to every thing there is a season," it can reasonably be inferred: A time to be funny and a time to keep your trap shut:

A man who police said struck an officer with his pickup truck outside Indianapolis Motor Speedway after the Brickyard 400 was arrested after officers determined that he had been drinking.

