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Opening Arguments

No sale

Even New York Times reporters can't stand the newspaper's editorial page:

The fact of the matter is the Wall Street Journal editorial page just kicks our editorial page’s ass. I mean there’s just no contest, from top to bottom, and it’s disappointing.”

The train wreck, she is here

The Congressional Budget Office makes plain what we all knew about Obamacare:

Now the CBO is saying is that in 10 years, about the same number of people will lack insurance as before. This, after new expenditures of as much as $2 trillion and a colossal disruption of the US medical system.

Kelo revisited


If you're already skeptical about the stuff you read on Wikipedia, here's another reason to approach the site with caution:

Feminist groups at more than a dozen universities are planning to participate in another mass “edit Wikipedia day,” because the free, volunteer encyclopedia website is obviously horribly sexist.

Posted in: Web/Tech

Duly noted

Posted in: All about me

Sacre of the day

God, they never, ever let up:

SACRAMENTO, Calif.) — Governments could slow — and even reverse — the growing epidemic of obesity by taking measures to counter fast food consumption, according to a study published today in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization.

Groundhog Day Day Day

What with eagerly anticipating the Super Bowl, dejectedly watching the Super Bowl and bitterly resenting having devoted so much time to the Super Bowl, I never got around to looking for the annual showing of "Groundhog Day" yesterday. But since it's become one of my favorite movies and I catch it any chance I can, I didn't mind missing this particular airing. Besides, this commentary came along to fill the void:

Posted in: Movies, Television


Near the end of the Super Bowl yesterday, a friend texted, "What happened to the Broncos?" I texted back: "Total collapse when it mattered most. Inexplicable."

That was a flip, spur-of-the-moment comment, but I wouldn't change it today except to perhaps make it a little more artful. Reading the mountain of commentary hasn't made it more understandable. Stuff like this:

Posted in: Sports, TV

You get what you shoot for

Oh, go heterogeneously group yourselves:

A popular gifted-student program at a New York City elementary school is getting the ax after school officials decided it lacked diversity.

President Buckeye

Yeah, we were ready. Big deal.

It is true: Misery loves company. After suffering through the record-breaking cold Tuesday, I started to feel a little better on Wednesday when the temperature crawled out of the single digits. Then I felt a lot better when TV reports started coming in about the snow and cold hitting even the Deep South.

Coolidge the great

Why Calvin Coolidge was the best president ever (besides the facts that he rarely spoke, had a great sense of humor and kept a pet raccoon):

A generous boss

Alas, all the progressives in Washington think this way, and so do a fair number of so-called conservatives:

Amnesty light

So long to all that

Oklahoma State Rep. Mike Turner:

 Well, if the courts won't let our state define marriage the way we want to, screw it; we'll just get out of the marriage business.

OKLAHOMA CITY - State lawmakers are considering throwing out marriage in Oklahoma.

Child's play

What a concept -- letting children be children:

Ripping up the playground rulebook is having incredible effects on children at an Auckland school.

Chaos may reign at Swanson Primary School with children climbing trees, riding skateboards and playing bullrush during playtime, but surprisingly the students don't cause bedlam, the principal says.

Babies and guns

Zowie. The radicals are coming out of the woodwork today. First up, a Notre Dame philosophy professor (yes, that very Catholic Notre Dame right in our own back yard) says the pope really should rethink this whole objection to abortion thing:

Big shift

Now, this is truly surprising:

More than a third of the Indiana House members who voted for a constitutional same-sex marriage ban in 2011 now plan to vote against it or are wavering.

The number switching to support the amendment? Zero.

A broader appeal
