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Opening Arguments

That godawful time again

Well, I thin a third of Americans are damn liars:

As April 15 approaches, a majority of Americans (56%) have a negative reaction to doing their income taxes, with 26% saying they hate doing them. However, about a third (34%) say they either like (29%) or love (5%) doing their taxes.

Bye, bye ethanol?

Is it possible? Can Congress really admit to a mistake and undo the horrible mess it has created?

Did we just hear the death knell for corn ethanol? Congress may finally be coming to its senses about one of the biggest green policy failures in America, as two bills were introduced yesterday to fix the corn ethanol mandate.

[. . .]

Shut up and love me

Family fight

Here we go deep into the constitutional weeds. Might be a good time for some of you to run to the refrigerator or take a bathroom break.

Rand Paul and father Ron don't  see the 14th Amendment quite the same way. They especially disagree on the amendment's chief effect of applying the Bill of Rights to state and local governments.


Sticking to our guns

I love it when the falling-off-the-left-edge-of-the-world Journal Gazette editorial page instructs someone on how to be a proper conservative:

Hoosiers probably aren’t surprised that Sen. Dan Coats now opposes the same type of assault weapons ban he supported two decades ago. But his attempt to block the Senate from voting for or against the ban is anything but conservative.

Stutter step

Uh-oh, Purdue reaally screwed up, letting its name be used on a study that isn't a pointless, expensive research into the obvious but might actually be useful:

Purdue University professors earned a federal grant that will help them understand what’s behind childhood stuttering and why some kids grow out of the problem.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Little Big Way

Posted in: Books

Reckless abandon

OK, somebody wiser than me about the Hoosier  criminal justice system is going to have to explain this to me, 'cause I just don't get it. On the one hand, we have a man from Vincennes charged with criminal recklessness for his inattentive driving:

The post-PC era

Wasn't hard to see this one coming, huh?

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The ailing personal computer market is getting weaker, and it's starting to look as if it will never fully recover as a new generation of mobile devices reshapes the way people use technology.

Collective wisdom

Since I posted about MSNBC' host Melissa Harris-Perry's outlandish "Children don't belong to their parents" claim, I suppose I should comment on her reaction to all the "hateful, personal attacks" she's received. She's not backing down, in fact rather proudly proclaims that she is doubling down:

Preachin' to the choir, pal

Somehow, "I told you so" isn't all that satisfying:

Decrying the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as way too complex, he warned the acting Medicare director that Obamacare is "so complicated and if it isn't done right the first time, it will just simply get worse."

Now we know

Here come the ghouls

When Pastor Rick Warren lost his son Matthew to mental illness and suicide, the cowards and ghouls crawled out from under their rocks:

The best. Ever

As someone who thoroughly enjoyed every game of that remarkable season, I'd have to say I agree:

ATLANTA — Everybody agrees, the 1975-76 undefeated Indiana Hoosiers were the greatest single-season team in the history of college basketball.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

He should know

I'd say this fits into the "safe bet" category:

Land-based gaming will come to Indiana, with declining overall casino revenues and other factors making such a shift more likely, Indiana Gaming Commission Executive Director Ernest Yelton said Monday.


The headline on Gawker sort of says it all:

Indiana Man Loses Dart Game, Punches Wall, Crashes Car, Calls 911 to Report Himself for Drunken Driving

Fast and furious

Another pointless gesture:

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) -- A Fort Wayne pastor is planning to fast for 40 days as a statement against gun violence that's killed 15 people in the northeastern Indiana city so far this year.

The Rev. Bill McGill told his congregation at Imani Baptist Church on Sunday that he'll fast for 40 days starting Wednesday and running through May 19.

One for the road

So, will the girls be even prettier at closing time?

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The last call for drinks is 2 a.m. in California, but one lawmaker believes that's just too early to set down the shot glasses and beer steins.

You still like us!

Well, by God, a smattering of good news for a change:

Circulation revenue for daily newspapers grew in 2012 for the first time in a decade as more people paid to subscribe to digital editions, according to data compiled by the Newspaper Assn. of America.

How conveeeenient!

Indianapolis Star opinion page editor Tim Swarens doesn't hink much of Sen. Joe Donnelly's recent announcement that his opinion on gay marraige has "evolved" to the point where he now supports it:
