Women may have higher IQs and longer lives than men, but a new study shows that they are also lazier.
Women may have higher IQs and longer lives than men, but a new study shows that they are also lazier.
You have to hand it to our old friends at Westboro for never missing an opportunity to put their demented religion on display:
Suppose this will be used by opponents of school choice to argue that the voucher program is a bad idea?
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Private Indiana schools that accepted students from low- to middle-income families using state-funded vouchers last year experienced a fall in their passing rates on the state's ISTEP test this year, a newspaper's analysis of test scores shows.
President Obama's "You didn't build that" speech has been so throughly hashed over now that it might eventually be seen as the defining moment in the presidential campaign. The speech and Mitt Romney's reaction to it draw about as clear a bright line between the candidates' positions and overall approach as can be drawn. I think Charles Krauthammer has done the best job of explaining what that line is:
Pop quiz. The shootings at that Colorado theater were the responsibility of:
B. Hollywood
Haven't had a "juxtaposition of the day" for a while, so let's do one with pictures.
Often when a gay rights issue comes up, critics will say gays are asking for special rights but gays will insist they want only rights equal to everyone else's. The evidence is usually mixed, so we have to decide for ourselves. If gays are guaranteed the right not to be discriminated against in unemployment, is that the same right everyone has to be judged only on their qualifications? Or is that a special right not guaranteed to, say, white heterosexual men?
"The strange times we live in" department:
SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) – Smoking anything other than medically-prescribed marijuana at San Francisco street fairs, festivals and other outdoor events held on city property would be banned under new legislation before the Board of Supervisors.
How should we define the middle class? By ignoring President Obama and Mitt Romney for starters:
Holy cow, what a shock -- John Roberts is more popular among liberals than among conservatives:
If you want to confess your guilt without having to suffer the consequences of your actions, what're ya goona do? Put it in your obituary, of course:
Val Patterson’s obituary begins like many others. The cancer victim began by thanking his loving family and explaining his love for life, before stating that he lived by several mottoes.
At the New York Times' Room for Debate site, the question is asked, "If the U.S. Constitution were being written today, what would you omit, add or clarify?" The answers from some of the participants are just awful -- do away with the Electoral College, get right of the right to bear arms, allow naturalized citizens to be president. Some are interesting -- clarify what's cruel and unusual. amend the Commerce Clause, rewrite the First Amendment.
"19 regional words all Americans should adopt immediately," including this one from my native state:
7. sneetered (v.), Kentucky
If you’ve ever been hoodwinked, duped, swindled, fleeced or scammed, you done been sneetered. The noun version, sniter, refers to that treacherous person responsible for your unfortunate sneetering. Also see snollygoster, a shameless, unscrupulous person, especially a politician.
Both parties have equally participated in abandoning the limited role of the federal government," says Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma), whose new book, The Debt Bomb: A Bold Plan to Stop Washington from Bankrupting Our Economy, argues that Republicans and Democrats together have brought the U.S. to the brink of fiscal calamity.
A tale of two cities. Indianapolis:
Well, if they work against Walmart, guess they're good to go against the government's secret brainwave experiments:
Louisville Metro Police say a man used aluminum foil to try to smuggle stolen DVDs past the anti-theft scanners at Walmart.
Here's a real heated-argument starter:
NCAA president Mark Emmert spoke with Tavis Smiley of PBS and delivered a harsh assessment of school officials in the wake of the Freeh Report delivered last week.
Kitty Wells has died. She wasn't just a singer but a pioneer and a honked-off woman who got even with a song. I love that kind of music -- Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama" takedown of Neil Young's "Southern Man" comes to mind. Wells' first and biggest hit "It wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels" falls into the same category:
I don't know if this is a SWAG, speculation based on informed sources or a leak by the Romney camp, but it's interesting:
Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney appears to be in the final stages of deciding who to pick as his vice presidential running mate, with speculation growing that he has narrowed his choice down to a short-list of three.