The fact that both Republican Mike Pence and Democrat John Gregg picked female running mates in their gubernatorial matchup drew this odd sex- and race-conscious paragraph out of The Associated Press:
The fact that both Republican Mike Pence and Democrat John Gregg picked female running mates in their gubernatorial matchup drew this odd sex- and race-conscious paragraph out of The Associated Press:
The blogosphere is buzzing about Penn Gillette's smackdown of admitted pot smoker Barack Obama's hypocrisy in now seeking to crack down on the buying and selling of medical marijuana:
Do we believe, even for a second, that if Obama had been busted for marijuana -- under the laws that he condones -- would his life have been better?"
If Warren Buffet is the smartest investor in America, why in the world is he buying up newspapers, which is supposed to be the dumbest investment in the world these days? The secret is that most of the 63 papers he now owns are in the 5,000-25,000 circulation range:
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Republican Mike Pence has picked first-term state Rep. Sue Ellspermann as his running mate in his campaign to become Indiana’s next governor.
Good story in the Indianapolis Star giving both sides of a difficult situation:
After her boyfriend beat her and threatened to kill her in October, Kristianne Rouster was issued a protective order that prohibited him from contacting her in person, on the phone or by text.
Because such orders routinely include the workplace, Rouster told her employer, Pitney Bowes.
I was thinking about doing a post about how silly the fuss is over the percentage of babies born to "minority" parents being greater than those born to "majority" parents for the first time. But Ronald Bailey at did a much better job that I could:
Day 1 of the rest of our lives:
Like it. It's negative in the sense that it criticizes Obama, but just his policies, and positive in its message. Not exactly "shining city on a hill," but it'll do.
If "Who is going to push for more government and who is going to push for less government?" is important to you, this should be a big help in deciding your choice in the governor's race:
So much in the news seems to be about events beyond our control -- the terrorists are coming! the national debt is crushing us! here comes the tornado -- duck quick! -- that it's nice once in a while to see a story about people who refuse to let adversity overwhelm them:
Man, they just can't make up their minds on coffee. It's bad for us, no, wait, it's good, uh-oh, here's a new study that's inconclusive. The latest news is really good for those of us who can't give the stuff up:
Coffee drinkers who worry about the jolt of java it takes to get them going in the morning might just as well relax and pour another cup.
A fund-raising request from Citizens United, ostensibly over the signature of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has raised such a stink that Huckabee is disavowing it and Citizens United tried to back away. I thought it was pretty colorful, though, in a guttersnipe sort of way.
President Obama has surrounded himself with morally repugnant political whores with misshapen values and gutter-level ethics," the letter says.
Malthusians just don't give up, do they?
Humans will need two Earths to support our lifestyles by 2030 because we are draining the world’s resources so quickly, a new report has warned.
Nice to see George Will agress with me on the downside of bipartisanship:
Bipartisanship, the supposed scarcity of which so distresses the high-minded, actually is disastrously prevalent.
There is convincing evidence that Carlos DeLuna was executed for a murder that was actually committed by Carlos Hernandez:
Richard Lugar, victim of Incumbent Entitlement Syndrome:
Lugar did not lose because the Tea Party targeted him. He lost because he was no longer representing the people of Indiana. In theory and practice he has truly become a United States senator.
Five Clayton, Ind., high school students have been suspended and a janitor fired after a senior prank in which they decorated the school with more than 10,000 Post-It notes:
The kids say a school board member gave them a key to get into the school after hours and the head custodian helped them coordinate the time to go in.
This is fascinating -- "15 current technologies a child born today will never use." A few are already practically out the door, like the fax machine, hard drives and movie theaters. Most are so obvious that once you seen them listed, you realize how right he is -- prime time TV, desktops, landline phones. This is one I hadn't thought about:
Phone Numbers
"Things that just had to happen sooner or later" department. In Rhode island, a bill of rights for the homeless:
Holy cow, maybe this partisan divide thing has gone too far: