The Congressional Budget Office seems enthusiastic about the idea of taxing us for our total vehicle miles traveled (VMT). The more you drive, the more you pay. That would require metering, which should worry any sane person:
The Congressional Budget Office seems enthusiastic about the idea of taxing us for our total vehicle miles traveled (VMT). The more you drive, the more you pay. That would require metering, which should worry any sane person:
It's nice to know Indiana is better managed fiscally than most states. But we don't shine in every category. When it comes to how well our state pensions are funded, we are in the bottom 10 of all states, funded at just 63 percent.
Come up with your own crappy pun for this:
Mayor Jim Suttle went to Washington Tuesday flush with ideas for how federal officials could help cities like Omaha pay for multibillion-dollar sewer projects.
Among the items on his brainstorming list: a proposal for a 10-cent federal tax on every roll of toilet paper you buy.
Intellectual purity may be satisfying, but it's not necessarily effective:
Every ideological stripe has those people. There are people who argue that Obama isn't a true progressive because of X, or that so-and-so isn't a true conservative because of Y. The difference isn't in the existence of these people, but the percentages of these people. Libertarians seem to have a higher percentage than most other groups, and this may be why we are so ineffective.
Guess we know now what the Indianapolis Star does on a slow news day:
Country music star Vince Gill, who wrapped up a two-night stand at the Palladium on Wednesday, didn't make good on his plan to tackle the full-pound "Big Ugly" hamburger at Carmel's Bub's Burgers & Ice Cream.
We are at war, incoming NEA executive director John Stocks told the unions board of directors last month, outlining a plan to keep NEA from joining the private sector industrial unions in a slow, steady decline into irrelevancy to anyone outside the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee.
Here's a misstep from the "make government smaller and less costly" guy:
Something for the open-border advocates to consider:
A potentially explosive admission by federal prosecutors in the pending sentencing of Ahmed Muhammed Dhakane in a San Antonio federal courtroom could aid the case of border states looking to take the initiative to stem the flood of illegal immigrants coming into the U.S.
Beware, anonymous posters:
The Indianapolis Star has asked the Indiana Court of Appeals to decide, possibly for the first time, whether the state's journalism Shield Law and state and U.S. constitutions protect media outlets from being forced to disclose the identities of anonymous posters to their websites.
A state worker who was supposed to inspect the miniature train that derailed Saturday — killing 6-year-old Benji Easler of Gaffney and injuring 28 people — resigned Monday after he told officials he falsified an inspection form last week that cleared the train for use.
Lost a good one -- Pinetop Perkins, one of the last Delta bluesman and the oldest Grammy winner ever, dead at 97. Here he is with LA Jones and the Blues Messengers way back in 1990 when he was just a punk kid of 76.
This ad by Democrats explaining why they walked out -- Mitch Daniels made us do it! -- is running only in the Indianapolis market, too, but that's no reason we can't benefit from its cool, calm logic:
A Downtown hotel worker who left her shift early today found her house filling with smoke and rescued her 11-year-old son from the blaze, Indianapolis fire officials said this morning.
Peggy Hicks, 40, had been feeling ill on her job at the Crowne Plaza and headed home. When she arrived at her home at 3550 Janet Drive, smoke was pouring from the roof about 5:10 a.m.
Whatever it was, she probably shouldn't buy a
It's election campaign season, which means we're hearing a lot of nonsense from candidates about how government needs to get out of the way of business, be more business friendly, and blah, blah, blah. I've lost count of how many officials and office seekers have told me in the last 30 years that, by God, they're going to do something about all that awful red tape! Haven't seen a lot of it actually eliminated, though.
Amen on liking the notification:
A new program was adopted that promised better customer service while saving the state of Indiana $2 million. It turns out the program may be failing to get some renewals out on time.
Is Mitch Daniels conservative enough for the GOP presidential primaries?
There is a good conservative case against Mitch Daniels's potential presidential candidacy. But this American Thinker piece isn't it.
[. . .]
Oh, so now it's my fault the Democrats and Republicans in Indianapolis can't get along:
Rep. Tom Saunders, R-Lewisville, blamed it in part on the increased political polarization, and on the news media, which have shone such a spotlight on lobbying that legislators no longer want to attend lobbyist-sponsored receptions or other events where lawmakers mingle.
This is obscene. Compare CNN's coverage of the royal wedding and the disasters in Japan:
What better way to start the week than with this and other tweets by Michael Moore:
May I suggest a 50-mile evacuation zone around Obama's Nobel Peace Prize?
Better wakeup boost than a strong cup of coffee and a Journal Gazette editorial.