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Opening Arguments

14 months and counting

Well, we can certainly dream:

Vice President Joe Biden said today that if Democrats were to lose 35 House seats they currently hold in traditionally Republican districts, it would mean doomsday for President Obama's agenda.

A foreign idea

Those crazy Swedes:

Sweden's centre-right on Saturday announced income tax cuts of 10 billion kronor to stimulate the job market, its primary objective.

Posted in: Uncategorized

So long, been good to know ya


Bob Dylan has been murdered, and it was a conspiracy:

Bloomington relived Bob Dylan's classics with a traveling group of Indiana musicians called Hoosier Dylan on Saturday at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater.

Folksinger-Americana artist Tim Grimm organized the group after he was inspired by Bob Dylan and his caravan of musicians who traveled the northeast and performed in theaters together in the late 1970s.


Drat. I got so busy with chores yesterday that I missed all the Sunday news shows. And I understand that our reclusive president made a rare appearance on some of them, explaining his health care reform plans. I do wish he'd speak more often so I could come to understand reform from his point of view. As it is, I have to rely on the few crumbs of information made available by rightwing Obama haters, and I guess you know how they twist things. If you listened only to them, you'd think reform was nothing but a grotesquely expensive expansion of big government.

Something fun

Posted in: Uncategorized

For Pete's sake

A Hoosier lawmaker does us proud by getting on a Top 15 list!

U.S. Rep. Pete Visclosky, D-Merrillville, has been named one of the 15 most corrupt members of Congress by an ethics watchdog group.

It's the first time Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington lists Visclosky in its annual report.

Three strikes

That sex offender registry isn't a cure-all, is it?

 Bloomington man is behind bars Tuesday night for the third time for the exact same crime.

"Sick, sick...sick, very." said neighbor Billie Hundley.

Police arrested 29-year-old Todd Rimstidt early Monday morning on the city's south side. A tipster told police Rimstidt had allegedly been engaging in sexual activity with two 13-year-old boys.

[. . .]

Get it on

Is nothing sacred? From The New York Times:

So the discovery calls into question theories about the evolution of T. rex . . .

Oh, well. We shall press on.


Happy Constitution Day! What country we might have if the Constitution were still followed!

Posted in: History

The Willie Sutton answer

As Gomer Pyle would say, suh-prahze, suh-prahze, suh-prahze! Reuters is reporting that Washington, D.C., has become the favorite area for wealthy young adults, with the nation's highest percentage of 25-34-year-olds making more than $100,000 a year. Why would that be? Reuters offers this:

Middle of the pack

Guess this could go in both the "for what it's worth" and the "it could be worse" files: Children's Health magazine has rated "100 noteworthy cities" across the country for what kind of places they are in which to raise a family. The list goes from No. 1 Burlington, Vt., to No. 100 Detroit. Only two Indiana cities are on the list -- Fort Wayne at No. 45 and Indianapolis at No. 49. The criteria:

Shock therapy

Who needs the therapy now, huh?

A mental health therapist is charged with leaving the scene of an accident involving his ex-wife.

Daniel Brodsky was arrested at his Carmel home after Westfield police received a call that a woman had been injured near the Freedom Trails Park, this past Saturday.

Westfield Police said Michelle Brodsky had been arguing with her ex-husband when she stepped onto the running board of his PT Cruiser.

Take that!

A letter to the editor in The Richmond Palladium-Item has the non sequitur of the day:

Finally the people in Richmond are saying, "We've had enough and we're not taking it anymore.'' Telling parents how to dress their children must be the straw that broke the camel's back. Congratulations, parents. Let's not lose any more of our rights.

Payment plan

Well, here's a shock:

If U.S. health reform efforts lead to higher costs for employers, employees may end up bearing the brunt, according to a new survey.

Employers will not absorb higher costs, choosing instead either to reduce benefits, lower salaries or cut jobs, the survey from professional services firm Towers Perrin said on Thursday.

The one thing government can't mandate is a divorce from reality.

Herem am gud nuze!

Well, thank goodness:

[Fernando] Nottebohm's research has shattered the belief that a brain gets its quota of nerve cells shortly after birth and stands by helplessly as one by one they die — a 'fact' drummed into every schoolkid's skull.

[. . .]

Posted in: All about me, Science

Bird brains

I don't know whose chickens are coming home to roost, but he doesn't live in Evansville:

Lafayette's urban chicken debate ended Monday night when a city council committee agreed to leave unchanged an ordinance that bans keeping the birds inside the city.

The meeting pitted those who advocated keeping chickens as pets and laying hens against those who argued that the animals smell bad, devalue neighborhood properties and present health hazards.

Speaking of tongues

Sometimes, I am asked, "Well, OK, what kind of government spending do you like?" Here's a $250,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities that I don't mind:

Headed for a smackdown!

Today's riddle: What's the difference between a member of the WWE and a member of the U.S. Senate? Answer: One is an outrageous fake who creates make-believe conflict for the entertainment of the masses, the most gullible of whom believe it is all real, and the other is just a wrestler. (With apologies to whoever came up with the catfish-lawyer joke.)

Shot faced

Looks like a clear case of DWI -- driving while incinerating:

A woman was arrested after troopers say she was driving her car down the road, too intoxicated to notice that it was on fire.

 She told troopers she had two shots of vodka earlier in the day. Holcomb was given a breathalyzer test and registered a 0.12.
