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Opening Arguments

Queen fight

Since I'm on record as being dismissive of the whole beuaty pageant thing, I almost hate to end up taking the side of Carrie Prejean, the Miss California who may have been denied the USA title for having the "wrong" answer to Perez Hilton's question about gay marriage. Is there anybody out there more mean-spirited and self-involved than Hilton? I think he is not a very good representative of the other members of his group and might set back their acceptance by mainstream America for a very long time.

The elephant, the beach and the clean air

Not the usual snideness about Earth Day today, just a point that the Us vs. the Earth mantra got old a long time ago. This guy, who thinks it's time to dump Earth Day, captures my sentiments pretty well:

I don't worry about the earth. I'm pretty certain the earth will survive the worst we can do to it. I'm very certain the earth doesn't worry about us.


Dispatches from the education front. In West Virginia, the soft bigotry of lowered expectations takes root. School officials in Marshall County may stop requiring students to complete their homework:

Prithee, varlet

Let's make this a national project. Even if it was Richard Daley's idea, it's still a good one:

Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago, Illinois, has declared Thursday as "Talk Like Shakespeare Day" to celebrate the 445th birthday of the man many consider the greatest playwright in the English language.

While the bard's actual birth date is not known for sure, many scholars think it was April 23, 1564.

The unkindest cut

You know the president's $100 million in budget cuts was a silly, insulting-our-intelligence move when even The Associated Press piles on:

Another menace nabbed

Chris Hiatt is the president of something called CDCPTR -- Citizens of Delaware County for Property Tax Repeal. He now faces a misdemeanor charge after being indicted by a grand jury for:

knowingly making "an expenditure for the purpose of financing communications expressly advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate through a newspaper, without the required disclaimer and without noting whether the candidates had authorized the communication."


Oh, lookee! The FBI is out trying to catch of those nasty right-wing terrorists Janet Napolitanao warned us about:

Joining the ranks of  Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the FBI has added animal rights extremist Daniel Andreas San Diego to its “Most Wanted Terrorists” list, becoming only the second American citizen and the only domestic terrorist to ever appear on the list.

Our hero!

Hallelujah! I have nothing to worry about now, since Sen. John Kerry has my back:

Senator John F. Kerry will hold hearings in Washington next week on the financial problems facing the newspaper industry, as dwindling advertising dollars push many US papers to the brink of closure.

[. . .]


After all these years, could it be that my whole life has been built on a lie? The girls don't all get prettier at closing time?

The phenomenon is known as beer goggles - the fact that men tend to find women more fascinating after a few pints of bitter or lager.

For generations, young males have been explaining to friends that their odd choice of female company was down to alcohol.

Posted in: Current Affairs

Small-town blues

I can't quite make myself believe this is the tragedy the speaker says it is:

MUNCIE -- Not all of the Midwest's small cities will survive globalization, according to the keynote speaker at the sixth annual Small Cities Conference late last week.

They won't exactly disappear, said Richard Longworth, a former foreign correspondent for The Chicago Tribune and United Press International.

Barack the knife

This is a joke, right? We all just woke up in the middle of a "Saturday Night Live" sketch:

President Obama plans to convene his Cabinet for the first time today, where he will order members to identify a combined $100 million in budget cuts over the next 90 days, according to a senior administration official.


I believe in limited government, so I may be a rightwing terrorist, and I have the certificate to prove it! If you want your own certificate, go to reasononline, and take the short quiz yourself.

Bill of goods

The idea that an originalist such as Clarence Thomas doesn't believe in the Bill of Rights is nothing short of preposterous, yet that's what The Journal Gazette tries to sell. In a short editorial today, the JG says that remarks made by Thomas at a March 31 event dedicated to the Bill of Rights suggested "that he was anything but supportive." What remarks were so scary? These:


The announcement of President Obama's high-speed rail initiative has given new energy to people in this area who've long dreamed of transforming Indiana and the Miwest with that mode of transportation. We should be careful to take all the hype with several grains of salt. Such rail lines are unlikely to take many cars off the road -- they're more likely to replace for-profit commuter airlines. And they aren't likely to be as environmentally friendly as advertised.

And close that door!

A new dawn in the dark world of Terre Haute politics!

It wasn't quite Shakespeare, but Duke Bennett gave an audience their two hours worth at Harmony Hall Tuesday evening.

Mayor Bennett hosted the third of about 15 planned summits in the theater on North Lafayette Avenue for the 12 Points community, offering an hourlong PowerPoint presentation followed by an hour of open discussion with the 50-plus member audience.

Trade of the tricks

Got them ol' denim blues

George Will calls on Edmund Burke, St. Paul and the ghosts of Fred Astire and Grace Kelly to denounce a great modern evil: Denim?

Denim is the carefully calculated costume of people eager to communicate indifference to appearances. But the appearances that people choose to present in public are cues from which we make inferences about their maturity and respect for those to whom they are presenting themselves.

Beauty is as beauty does

The entertainment world has been abuzz about Susan Boyle, the Scottish woman who wowed the audience and judges of "Britain's Got Talent." Here's the clip, if you're one of the handful of people who haven't seen it on TV or YouTube.

Stupid child tricks

The federal government keeps raising the standards for schools, which means more and more schools will fail to meet the standards. A reasonable query:

That raises questions of whether otherwise good schools are held to unreasonable standards or whether those standards will push schools to achieve more than they thought they could.

Perhaps a clue to the answer can be found in the standards themselves:

Like water for tea

Does anybody else see anything mildly comical about this?

State officials are questioning plans by tax activists to dump a crate of tea bags into the Wabash River in protest of excessive government spending.

A spokeswoman for the state's environmental agency said that throwing tea into the Wabash, or any river, could hurt aquatic life by depleting the water of oxygen.
