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Opening Arguments

A penny here, a dime there

You know when public officials have the most fun? When they get new money to spend that they don't have to take the political heat for.:

Treasure hunt

Jeep as the name of the vehicle comes from:

1. An acronym of Just Enough Essential Parts.

2. A corruption of the initials GP, short for General Purpose (Vehicle).

3. "Jeepers Creepers," a euphemism for Jesus Christ, supposedly said by Maj. Gen. George Lynch when he took his first ride in the prototype.

4. The comic strip Thimble Theater, best known for Popeye the Sailor and Olive Oyl, which in 1936 introduced a character named Eugene the Jeep, a rodent-like character the size of a small dog whose only word was jeep!


"No good deed goes unpunished" department: Piere's offers rides home to patrons who think they've had too much to drink to be able to drive safely. They gave such a ride to James Herald, but they didn't take him all the way home:

Herald was struck and injured after being dropped off.

A good, clean phite


Even when Malthusians such as Paul Ehrlich are wrong over and over again, they just won't shut up, and people still listen to them. I mean, if you had predicted the starvation of hundreds of millions in the 1980s and it didn't happen, shouldn't you be a little bit embarrassed, and shouldn't your credibility suffer just a little? Oh, well. The beat goes on:

The Boy is back

I should probably apologize to Hooseir college students. After a Big Boy statue went missing in Mishawaka, I suggested police should just start looking in dorm rooms. The Boy is back now, and it turns out that the kidnappers were townies:

According to Jim Isza Jr., two young men, both in their late teens, arrived at the shop with the Big Boy in the back of a pickup truck.

Keep the back room closed

State Rep. Kathy Richardson of Noblesville has an annual Adult Page Day program for which she invites five grownups to spend a day at the Statehouse. She thinks this is such a great idea that it should be expanded:

This is one of my favorite days in the legislative session," said Rep. Richardson. "Since I've been a state representative, I have always believed that every single voter in Indiana should be able to come and see what really happens here at the Statehouse.

Pony up

I always thought "a good blend" was, oh, a Johnnie Walker or Seagram's Seven Crown in which the cheap fillers don't overwhelm the malted grain. But, no, it refers to the mix of the fix for Indianapolis' beleagured sports stadiums:

Indiana's alcohol tax would be doubled and hospitality taxes would be raised again under a Statehouse plan designed to bail out the financially struggling group that runs the professional sports stadiums in Indianapolis.

Not quite free at last

Life is getting so complicated. We can't just have temperature in the winter; we have to also worry about the wind-chill factor. And we can't just consider what something costs today vs. what it cost yesterday; we also have to consider the inflation-adjusted number. Now, we have to calculate Tax Freedom Day by taking into account the deficit.

A simple mistake

Trying times

The headline on the story is "Getting older but working longer." No kidding:

For many years, the average retirement age for men had fallen through much of the 20th century.

“By the mid-1980s, it had dropped down to 62 or 63 and stayed there for 20 years or so.”

Free for the 18th

Local news outlets this week have been carrying the story about the 21-year-old arrested for her third DWI in about a year, the last time while she was eight months pregnant. I almost did a post on her as an example of somebody who just isn't taking the hint. But she's young enough to turn her life around if she chooses to, or at least not turn into this guy:

Bait the bums

The Indy Star has an interesting story about the new bait car Indianapolis Police are going to be using, which is a pretty cool way to get would-be car thieves off the street without chasing them through neighborhoods at 100 mph. This is the part that stopped me:

Boy, oh, Boy

If you're going to steal something so distinctive that you can never display it in public, you should probably stick to paintings so you can at least sit in your room and admire them periodically. On the other hand, maybe that's exactly what this thief is doing:


Never having to be sorry for saying you are sorry:

The United States may have apologized in 1993 for the "illegal overthrow" of Hawaii's native monarch a century earlier, but that congressional expression of regret did not give native Hawaiians a legal claim to state lands, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.

The 9-0 decision leaves it to the state of Hawaii to decide how to manage the 1.2 million acres in dispute.


Rush on down to Crazy Uncle Sam's Car Lot, where the rides are always fine, and the deals are always hot! No money for a down payment? No problem? Trouble getting financing? Not here, friend! We offer six months' same as cash, we'll eat the first three payments, and the first 500 customers will get free car washes for a year! How can Uncle Sam do that, you ask? Because he's craaaaaazy! And if you don't take advantage of these sweet deals, you're even craaaazier!!

Rules of the road

Those of us who admit to having any kind of libertarian instinct run the risk of getting called hypocritcal or dishonest or philosophically incoherent any time we express the mildest approval for any kind of government action (see previous post on high-speed rail, for example). So I feel bad about criticizing Neal Boortz, syndicated radio talk-show host and self-described libertarian, but he went off the deep end a little about seat belts.

Hitting the rails

Where I grew up, some relatives could be reached only by train, so I've had a lifelong fondness for that mode of travel. And during my time in northwest Indiana, I enjoyed the idea of having the South Shore available. How cool is it to have an electric interurban still around in this day and age? It was so easy to ride the train to the Randolph Street Station to take in downtown Chicago instead of driving through all that maddening traffic.

Good old summertime

They do know how to have fun in Ohio:

Newark police say that Konink saw a neighbor riding a motorized bar stool shortly before the man wrecked while trying to make a U-turn.

Police say that Kile Wygle, 28, had one too many before wheeling his homemade oddity around the neighborhood on March 4.

Support the gals!

Wheee! Time travel is fun. You nod off while sampling the Internet in 2009, and you wake up in 1970:

Believe it or not, there are men in Muncie who not only support feminism and feminist ideals, but identify themselves as feminists as well.

But that doesn't mean some people aren't surprised by meeting men who support the social, political and economic equality between the sexes.
