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Dark Side companions

Talk to me

I'm the type who lurks in the corner at parties and reads to avoid eye contact in waiting rooms, so I can relate to this:

Determined not to make eye contact with anyone on the subway? You’re not alone, but our commutes would be happier if we socialized more, according to a new study.

Flaws and all

Now we know why Anthony Kennedy is the swing vote in all those 5-4 cases:

Run, Liz, run

Sleep tight

Let's not lose any sleep over what the "experts" say:

How much sleep do you really need?

Posted in: Science

Prostitution and rape

This is interesting:

For decades, few people noticed that legislators in Providence had deleted crucial language from Rhode Island state law in 1980. It wasn't until a 2003 court case that police, to their chagrin, discovered they couldn't prevent prostitutes and their customers from engaging in commercial exchange.

Apollo revisited

For most of my adult life, I have been, A) touting the Apollo moon program as an example of what government initiative can accomplish, even when motivated by something as crass as "beating the Russians" and, B) lamenting the fact that we did such an amazing thing, then just quit on the whole space thing. Now, on the 45th anniversary (plus one day), Rand Simberg connects the dots on those two things in a way that never occurred to me:

Is little out for good?

Noted libertarian P.J. O'Rourke on "my problem with people who agree with me," i.e. other libertarians:

And therein lies my problem. Nobody really disagrees with us these days. Our own children, at their most rebellious age, believe in the first two things we toasted. (Although, until they acquire jobs and babies, they practice passive resistance to the third.)

Evil gets a pass

Former President Bill Clinton understands what is going on in Israel right now:

Hamas was perfectly well aware of what would happen if they started raining rockets into Israel. They fired one thousand and they have a strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own civilians so that the rest of the world will condemn them.

Rollin' and Tumblin'

Car culture

The 17 ways driverless cars could change America. Some are obvous -- fewer accidents, changing layoutsof road and traffic patterns, altering the legal and insurance landscapes. This one took a little thought:

The other Barry

This is thhe 50th anniversary of Barry Goldwater's famous speech accepting the GOP presidential nomination. The most quoted line from that speech, is of course:

"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

But he also said:

I take exception

Secretary of State Lurch, in a talk overseas:

I get always a little uptight when I hear politicians say how exceptional we are – not because we’re not exceptional, but because it’s kind of in-your-face and a lot of other people are exceptional, a lot of other places do exceptional things.

Three is the new 10

Sounds about right:

Less than 3 percent of the U.S. population identify themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Tuesday in the first large-scale government survey measuring Americans’ sexual orientation.

Dear G.I. Joe

You've seen it in the movies: A bitch who is so cold-hearted she sends a "Dear John" letter to her sweetheart while he's in combat. Well, it turns out the United States government is that cold-hearted bitch:

The Pentagon is laying off thousands of military officers, including those serving or who have recently served in Afghanistan.

He said he said

The vatican is disputing some quotes atributed to the pope by Eugenio Scalfari, founder of the "left-leaning" newspaper La Republica. I found this litt;e tidbit fascinating:

Old soldiers

Greetings from the government that thinks it's competent enough to run the health care system:

No, the United States isn't trying to build a military force of centenarians.

The armpit of change
