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Opening Arguments

Howard's end

It's nice to know Howard Dean still has left in him one of those primal-scream moments that sealed his doom as a presidential candidate:

Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said that either Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Obama needed to quit the presidential race in June in order for Democrats to win the White House in November.


Attention, Wal-Mart shoppers

Every time a school district decides to adopt a school-uniform policy, there is a story quoting somebody or other worrying about how it will affect all the poor people. A couple of years ago, I made the gentle point that even poor parents have to buy clothes for their kids, and uniforms are not usually designed to be extravagant. A school board member merely starts with that observation and then unloads:

Posted in: Current Affairs

Remember that ID

Indiana's Voter ID law gets a 6-3 passing grade from the Supreme Court:

A majority of the justices were persuaded that combating voter fraud and preserving the integrity of the polling place were important enough objectives to justify the ID law.


On the war path

Hillary Clinton in Indiana, dsiplaying as little understanding of the global economy as Barack Obama, or at least a similar unwillingness to talk honestly about it:

Work week


The idea isn't new one. The oil crisis of the 1970s prompted some employers to switch to a four-day work week, but the idea never took hold nationally.

These days, though, energy and congestion issues may give the concept more traction. Several petition drives for a shortened work week are now circulating on the Internet.

Bayh's gamble

If Hillary Clinton loses Indiana, Will Evan Bayh also be a casualty? The Politico explores the issue:

Not to be



There aren't many acts I'd go out of the way to see live anymore -- that was another part of my life. But the Robert Plant-Alison Krauss tour would be at the top of the list. I first saw Krause when she was just a kid, on stage with Bill Monroe at Bean Blossom. And what was the point of anybody else doing heavy metal music after "Led Zeppelin II"? And they weren't even exactly a metal band.

Posted in: All about me, Music


Do as I say, not as I do?

With his state's critical primary in two short weeks, Democratic Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh -- a strong supporter of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton -- has been leaning on the Hoosier State's freshman House members to stay on the sidelines rather than endorse Sen. Barack Obama.

Bible fight!

A lot of bloggers are writing about a CNSNews.com story from a couple of days ago to the effect that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "made up" a Bible verse:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is fond of quoting a particular passage of Scripture. The quote, however, does not appear in the Bible and is "fictional," according to biblical scholars.

Peer pressure

Remember that story some of us got so exercised over about the proposed Maine law that would make it a crime merely to peer at children? Turns out we didn't have the story quite right:

The bill that sparked the controversy would make it possible for authorities to bring charges against sexual voyeurs who target children in public places. Under existing law, such conduct must occur in a private place to be illegal.

No cheap date

Awww, the poor babies:

PENDLETON — The dress, the hair, the limo, the dinner.

It's never cheap to go to a high school prom.

Fast food, high style

If you go to a McDonald's in Britain, your server may be dressed better than you are (one of the new uniforms is worn by the woman on the left):

Uniforms at McDonald's have been given an overhaul by a designer better known for glamorous dresses worn by celebrities.



The FBI is trying a new tactic in suburban Indianapolis to catch some of its most wanted

Mighty stupid

Don't you wish you had cool actor buddies like Woody and Denzel who would write character letters for you if you did something stupid like listen to a "tax avoidance" scheme?

Actors Denzel Washington and Woody Harrelson have written character reference letters to the federal judge who is set tomorrow to sentence their pal Wesley Snipes on federal tax charges.

[. . .]

For his part, Washington compares his friend to "a tree--a mighty oak."

Same old same old

As least Fort Wayne officials -- so far -- aren't reacting to the recent homicides with an idea this bad:

When a rash of gun murders takes place, it makes sense for the police to do one of two things: renew tactics that have been effective in the past at curbing homicides, or embrace ideas that have not been tried before.

But those options don't appeal to Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis. What he proposes is a crackdown on assault weapons.

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Idol chatter

A few Americans come to their senses:

It had to happen sometime: American Idol is showing signs of mortality in its seventh season.

Ratings for TV's top show are down 7% to an average 29 million viewers for regular episodes and down 10% among adults ages 18 to 49, the main currency on Madison Avenue.

Indiana revealed

With Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton apparently running about even here, Indiana is suddenly getting a lot of nationwide attention. If you do a Google blog search of "indiana, obama, clinton," you'll get more than 16,000 hits. A side benefit is that people outside the state might actually learn something about us:

In Lake County, Obama was a household name well before the presidential race.

It's not Hillary's Times

Hillary Clinton wins Pennsylvania by 10 points, earning the wrath of The New York Times:

The Pennsylvania campaign, which produced yet another inconclusive result on Tuesday, was even meaner, more vacuous, more desperate, and more filled with pandering than the mean, vacuous, desperate, pander-filled contests that preceded it.

Outer limits

Ever hear the old joke about the kid who killed his parents, then begged for mercy from the court because he was an orphan? Life imitates an old joke

Dwayne Giles, who shot and killed his ex-girlfriend in Los Angeles, asked the Supreme Court on Tuesday to overturn his murder conviction because he was denied the right to "confront" her in court.
