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Hoosier lore

She wasn't bluffing

Assisted suicide cases usually involve acquiescing to a loved one's request for help in ending unendurable pain or misery. Then there's the case of former Harrison County police officer John Britton, who has reached a plea agreement in the assisted suicide of his wife:

Spring forward, once

On Sunday, it will be time to set your clocks an hour ahead, but don't wait till then or you'll be doomed!

To keep your sleep schedule on track through the time change, Loyola University sleep specialist Dr. Sunita Kumar recommends gradually pushing your bedtime earlier in increments of 10 to 15 minutes on the days leading up to it — it’s how astronauts prepare for space travel.

That's with a 'b'

Nice to see we have our share of the wealth. Four Hoosiers are among the new Forbes list of the world's top billionaires:

Ranking the highest among Hoosiers, Gayle Cook, 78, the widow of medical device maker and philanthropist William Cook, took the place of her late husband in the 330th spot with a fortune of $3.4 billion.

Stay calm, please

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports


Carbon Motors of Connersville isn't going to get that $310 million federal loan deal to employ 1,500 people to manufacture "the first purpose-built police car." This is the song and dance from the Department of Energy's rejection statement.

It's the debt, stupid

Ball State University economics professor Michael Hicks' research on Right-to-Work states from 1929 to 2005 found "no statistically significant differences," either posititive or negative, "between RTW states and non-RTW states in either the industrial composition of their economies or their income from manufacturing." In comparing the recession experience of Indiana and Michigan, and looking at Illinois and Ohio as well, he found something far more sig

A dirty job, but someone has to do it

And you thought Indiana politics could get dirty:

SUNLAND PARK, New Mexico - A man facing extortion charges involving a stripper, and who is forbidden from entering City Hall, has been elected mayor of Sunland Park, New Mexico.

Peyton place

So, Peyton Manning and the Colts are parting company. We all knew it was coming, and the Colts won't be as much fun to watch while they're in rebuilding mode. The most interesting part to me is the what's-next-for-Manning question:

How will Manning's final chapter play out?

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports, TV

Hey, we got it right

Indiana's voter-ID law was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Wisconsin isn't having such good luck.

Left behind

I forget things, so I understand how it happens. I've left my car keys in the car. I've forgotten to take my cell phone to work. I've forgotten an occasional appointment or two. I forget to get things at the store that I go in knowing I needed. This here is a doozy, though:

