Are there people who still worry that legalizing gay marriage will somehow "weaken traditional marriage"? I don't know why. We seem to be doing a capable job of that all by ourselves:
Are there people who still worry that legalizing gay marriage will somehow "weaken traditional marriage"? I don't know why. We seem to be doing a capable job of that all by ourselves:
Oh, these kids today, I tell ya. They just don't handle change very well, do they?
"Cats and dogs just weren't meant to live together" department:
Most of the major online dating sites won't set up Republicans with Democrats either.
This is a bit of judicial overreach, don't you think?
Martin from Messiah, saying the religious name was earned by one person and "that one person is Jesus Christ."
One a birther nut, always a birther nut:
During an interview for “This Week,” real estate mogul Donald Trump questioned whether Texas Sen. Ted Cruz would be eligible for the White House given his Canadian birth.
I realize that not everyone will see this for the good news it is, but, lordy, it is good news
The biggest underreported story out of Washington this year is that the federal budget is shrinking and much more than anyone in either party expected.
It had to happen eventually -- I actually agree with Eric Holder on something:
If any Democrats have presidential ambitions, that's just too darn bad, because the nomination is Hillary's, period:
Yeah, yeah, sure, we're all supposed to get our 15 minutes, but Sydney Leathers is abusing the privilege:
A how-to book on inciting a moral panic:
Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner has uncovered a fascinating document: an 80-page "talking points" monograph titled "Preventing Gun Violence Through Effective Messaging," written by a trio of Democratic political operatives.
Guess where the safest place to be in America is today:
Pro-gun advocates across the nation are planning to gather in Starbucks’ stores today to show their appreciation for the company’s decision to allow weapons inside its locations in states where it’s legal.
Hyper-caffeinated and packing heat. Awesome.
I don't recognize the name, but the whistle is familiar:
Dolphins have long impressed people with their sharp minds and humanlike traits, such as calling each other by name, goofing off and even understanding numbers. Now a scientist has found that the mammals can recognize an old friend’s whistle, even after they have been apart for 20 years — the longest social memory ever recorded for a non-human.
I think Ted Cruz is stupid evil crazy actually sort of smart:
Good for thee, but not for me:
(Reuters) - Congress has won some partial relief for lawmakers and their staffs from the "Obamacare" health reforms that it passed and subjected itself to three years ago.
Can you say "overreach"? Of course it happens so frequently and routinely that it seems pointless to even complain about it:
In a move some claim is tantamount to social engineering, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is imposing a new rule that would allow the feds to track diversity in America’s neighborhoods and then push policies to change those it deems discriminatory.
Might as well send invitations to the burglars and assorted creeps -- "No resistance here":
CASTLE ROCK - Retired Marine Art Dorsch says his Second Amendment rights are in danger.
His apartment complex, the Oakwood Apartments in Castle Rock, sent out a notice telling all residents to get rid of their guns.
This guy is kind of unclear on the concept of acting as his own defense attorney, huh?
You've heard of voodoo economics. Well, here's voodoo forecasting: