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Opening Arguments

Managing rock bottom

A man of ideas

Richard Florida wants to have it both ways on Detroit. On the one hand, that city, like the rest of the Rust Belt, is doomed, doomed, doomed. Might as well give the few people left bus tickets out of town, tear the place down and start over:

An idea without a prayer

Midwest values

No joke

Well, there goes Anthony's Weiner's best excuse:

Sex addiction has often made headlines, with celebrities blaming their romantic foibles on the condition. However, a new study questions the notion that people can truly be "addicted" to sex.

The new study from the University of California, Los Angeles, suggests that self-professed "addicts" may simply have a high sex drive.

Fresh out


Yes, but this also risks sending the signal that, just six months into his second term, Obama is fresh out of ideas.

If he’s to break through the resistance, Obama will need some bold new proposals. That’s why his speech returning to the oldies would seem to confirm that the White House has given up on big achievements.

Blank slate

I'm not really a big fan of the USA TODAY editorial page; it's mostly a collection of bland gasbaggery, "well-on-the-other-hand" vagueness and indecisiveness. Gotta salute 'em for this one, though:

Your cat ain't a vegan

Posted in: Current events

Can't buy love

Today's entry for the "well, duh" file:

To figure out which countries dislike the U.S., one quick way is to simply look at which ones are getting the largest dollops of U.S. aid.

This wasn't the focus of a . But it did emerge when Pew spoke to people in 39 countries about the U.S. and China, asking respondents if they had a favorable view of these two countries.

Bet she knows some power chords

Gadzooks, it's Walker, Indiana Ranger!

Before Indiana became a state in 1816, territorial Gov. William Henry Harrison organized the Indiana Rangers in 1807 to safeguard the Buffalo Trace — the main travel route between Louisville, Ky., and Vincennes, Ind.

Married in Ohio

When the Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional discrimination to treat straight and gay married couples differently in states that recognized gay marriage, the obvious question was (and it was asked by a lot of people), well, what about same-sex couples in states that don't recognize gay marriage? Is it any less discriminatory to treat people differently in some states than it is in other states? Now, a federal judge in Ohio is pushing that very federalism button:

Morons on parade

I try to keep my music and my politics separate. I have to. As someone on the right side of the political spectrum, I'd hardly get to hear any music at all otherwise. But I swear, these frickin' morons deserve to be boycotted:

Bottoms up!

Layfayette loses its goals

Vistors to Columbian Park in Lafayette complained about the teenagers who congregated at the basketball court there, who spouted profanities that could be heard a long way away and sometimes stopped their basketball game long enough to have a fight. So, simple solution: Park officials removed the basktball hoops.

Tom Rankin, the city’s parks, safety and security director, said removing the goals has reduced loitering and rowdiness to a minimum.

“It’s been like night and day so far,” he said.


Well, maybe the BMV is being run more efficiently these days (and it is a joy to get in and out so quickly, or do business online and never even go there), but they sure have made a mess of licens-plate policy. First they nearly wreck the specialty-plates program with a heavyhanded and obvious attempt to mess with a gay youth support group.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Smells familiar



WASHINGTON — The long wait is finally over for visitors who have been yearning for a whiff of a giant flower that smells oddly like rotting flesh.

Born this way

Science speaks: Stop your nagging

Posted in: All about me, Science

Playing with fire

Yeah, I know as a journalist that I have a vested interest in the First Amendment, but this scares me as an American citizen, too:

Increasingly, the First Amendment is coming under challenge — by the American public.

Dont just do something, stand there!

I'm not a huge John Boehner fan, but's certainly spot on here:

WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner says Congress "should not be judged on how many new laws we create" but on "how many laws ... we repeal."

[. . .]

The country already has "more laws than the administration ever could enforce," Boehner said.
