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Opening Arguments

Yes, it's a choice

Talk about getting socked

I appreciate the need for dress codes -- businesses want their employees to look a certain way, and accepting employment from a company means accepting their rules. But this is just plain stupid:

SANTA CLARA (CBS / AP) — Frank Gore will pay closer attention to his socks for the Super Bowl.


This seems to be an informative number, and more than a little scary:

President Obama Monday invoked Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence to justify his expansive view of government, but Jefferson might be surprised to learn that the number of federal employees today is nearly equal to the entire population of the nation in 1776.

Can't party without a hat

News you can use:

The common myth that condoms hinder sexual pleasure has been debunked, with research showing they have no effect on the enjoyment of sex.

Tweet this

Life lesson from Fox's Bret Baier, to the viewers who were tweeting "Who is Neville Chamberlain?"

If you can Tweet, can't you Google?

Rocking the Roe boat

I neglected to post on the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade yesterday. So let's consider the remarkable story of Norma McCorvey, who was the "Roe" in that case:

But most Americans don’t know that McCorvey, who was “pro-choice” on abortion at the time, is now a pro-life advocate. She is now dedicated to reversing the Supreme Court case that bears her fictitious name, Jane Roe.


Do you suppose extremist wackos know they're extremist wackos? (OK, you who are about ready to say something about looking in the mirror, yeah, yeah, I get it.) Surely this guy has at least an inkling that he's a little bit out there.

Computer? What computer?

An encounter at a Best Buy provides a revealing glimpse of the breakneck speed of change these days:

The clerk asked if he could help, and I said I was looking for a cheap virus-magnet laptop loaded with crapware. He asked me to repeat myself. He said the offerings on the showroom floor were scant, but I might try the website. He also said something interesting:

I don’t use a computer myself.

Sober Sundays

I participated in the annual legislative preview panel discussion on Channel 39 recently, and we were each asked to predict what might make big news in the session that's not on anybody's radar right now. I chose Sunday liquor sales. Since we're now the last state in the union that allows no package sales at all on Sunday, maybe this is the year the powerful liquor store lobby will be beaten back.

I'm much nicer when I'm rested

For the "astonishing research of the blindingly obvious" file:

Not getting a good night's rest may be negatively affecting your love life.

A UC Berkeley study shows that poor sleeping habits may lead to couples feeling unappreciated. Often times, not getting the required amount of shut eye can leave people "too tired to say thanks."

Posted in: Current events

Missing Abby

Mr. and Mrs. Co-worker

Is this a good idea?

Gov. Mike Pence won't have to go far to see his wife, Karen, while working in his Statehouse office. She's getting a Statehouse office of her own just down the hall from his.

West Point and shoot

Good grief:

A West Point think tank has issued a paper warning America about “far right” groups such as the “anti-federalist” movement, which supports “civil activism, individual freedoms and self-government.”

The two-minute rule

When you first hear the proposal to let motorcycles but not cars sometimes ignore red lights, it seems like a really bad idea. But there's a reasonable rationale being offered:

A lawmaker who’s a motorcycle enthusiast wants to give motorcyclists the right to go through red lights after stopping at Indiana intersections in some situations.

Nightmare No. 1

Yeah, Joe, that's what some of us are afraid of:

At an inaugural reception last night, Vice President Joe Biden praised President Obama for his first term and welcomed America to his second.

[. . .]

“I want you to know something else about this guy Barack Obama — he’s just getting started,” Biden added. “He’s just getting started.”

Blue Monday

Oddly enough, because of the "misery loves company" effect, this makes me feel better:

How are you feeling today? Chances are, not that great...

Because this morning you woke up on what has come to be known as ‘Blue Monday’ - the day of the year on which most of us feel at our lowest ebb.

Posted in: All about me


Aren't we lucky to have such smart movie stars?

Django Unchained and Titanic star Leonardo DiCaprio says he is planning to take a significant break from filming and concentrate on his environmental campaigning.

[. . .]

"I would like to improve the world a bit. I will fly around the world doing good for the environment,'' added DiCaprio, in comments published in German.

Like, wow

The gal pal blues

Cut fight

Say, isn't it wonderful that both the Indiana House and Senate have Republican supermajorities and we can get through an entire legislative session without a big fight? Oh, wait . . .

Legislative Republicans‘ budget differences with Governor Pence go well beyond his tax-cut plan. Speaker Brian Bosma says the Republican House will propose more school funding than the one-percent increases offered by the new governor.
