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Opening Arguments

Life friendly

I'll let you decide whether this is something to be proud of or angry about:

Indiana is one of the most pro-life states in the country, according to a new study from the pro-life group "Americans United For Life."

The study says Louisiana is the most pro-life state in the union.  From the Tri-State, Indiana is ranked 7th, kentucky 17th and Illinois was 36th.  Washington was ranked last.

Posted in: Hoosier lore


The eternal struggle:

Freedom House's annual report on the state of global freedom labels 90 countries as "free" in 2012, increasing by three from the previous year, with 16 countries showing positive gains.

But 27 countries' scores declined, marking the seventh year the report has indicated more declines than gains worldwide.

Posted in: Current events

Blissful ignorance

Sad. In a new poll,

. . . just 44 percent of those under 30 even knew the landmark Roe v. Wade case dealt with right to terminate a pregnancy.

The poll found a majority of Americans support keeping Roe v. Wade, which hasn't changed in 20 years. The most interesting part: 53 percent say abortion is not that important compared to other issues. Very, very vocal minorities at both ends of the spectrum just make it seem so.

It's all big

People throw the term "fascist" around so casually that it's clear many of them don't have a clue what it means. Whole Foods CEO John Mackey does, as he shows in his remarks about Obamacare:

For the children

Yep, pretty much:

President Barack Obama set a new standard Wednesday for stupidly exploitative White House events by appearing onstage with children to unveil his gun control proposals.

He quoted from letters that the kids had written him. He invoked their Solomonic authority: “Their voices should compel us to change.” He signed executive orders as they gazed on adoringly. He hugged and high-fived them.

Didn't see this one coming

Not sure, but I think this may be a solution in search of a problem:

A Senate committee Tuesday voted 9-0 for Senate Bill 181, legalizing the sale and possession of spring-loaded knives, also known as switchblades.

Donor blues

A good problem

Say,this catering to populist whim is sort of tricky, eh?

When we launched We the People, none of us knew how popular it would be, but it's exceeded our wildest expectations. Through the past year, interest in We the People exploded and we're closing in on 10 million signatures.

Vroom, vroom

I've never been a big car nut -- I use them because I have to, then don't think about them except to curse them when they need repair -- but the new Corvette shore is purty. Bring me my shades and gold chains and tell the blondes to get ready.

Posted in: All about me

It's the guns, stupid

Two ways

One way to do it:

President Obama has not been able to prepare a budget--despite having an entire Office of Management and Budget devoted to the task, and despite knowing the annual deadline.

Another way:


I guess Oprah hasn't lost that much of her star power if she can still entice people who have fallen from grace to humiliate themselves for her:

Lance Armstrong today admitted to Oprah Winfrey that he used performance enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France, sources told ABC News.

Lack of control


Det. Dale A Wilson of the Fort Wayne Police Department was suspended for three days for leaving his weapon in a public restroom in December. Wilson's suspension was one of the items on the Board of Safety's Agenda Monday.


Prey tell

If you let people locked up for terrorist activities get together in unsupervised meetings five times a day, what could possibly go wrong?

INDIANAPOLIS, Jan 12 (Reuters) - John Walker Lindh, known as the "American Taliban," and other Muslims housed in an Indiana prison have the right to congregate for daily group prayer sessions, a federal judge ruled on Friday.

We see you

Sadly, it was probably the right thing do do:

Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller is putting a deputy in Washington to monitor proposed bills and regulations that could affect Indiana.

Zoeller, a Republican, said the position is needed because of a growth in federal activity that affects states.

Gun control, big and little

Losers pay

That darn Mike Pence is bringing up tort reform even though he didn't say a single thing about it during the campaign. No fair, no fair!

You won’t find tort reform in Gov.-elect Mike Pence’s “road map,” the agenda he laid out in his campaign.

Homeward bound

I think is an unusually thoughtful look at the possible consequences of America's global retreat from the editorial page editor of the Washington Post, which is usually so fawning over President Obama that it's hard to take seriously:

Bobby Bold

Departing Hoosier Gov. Mitch Daniels has gotten a lot of praise for being bold, along the lines of, "Gasp! A Republican conservative actually tries new things." But I think Bobby Jindal has him beat:
