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Psst, buddy, borrow your library card?

Help, help, my date is boring!

Technology just keeps making our lives better and better. Now, there's a free downloadable Bad Date Rescue app:


Good for Bruce Dickinson:

Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson hit out at a fan who spent more time on his mobile phone than watching the band at a recent US gig.

The Quietus reports that a show at the Klipsch Music Center in Indiana, Indianapolis on July 19th was disrupted by the man, who lead singer Dickinson took exception to.

Goo-goo-googily eyes

Seen this?

The big thing in the ongoing communications revolution for the near future will be related to mobile technology or the cloud or both. Everybody is trying to figure out what the next big thin will be, and some believe it might be the wearable computer Google is working on, the "Google Goggle" that would let you see a computer screen in the air in front of you.

Posted in: Google, Science, Web/Tech

This are not good

Wasn't hard to see this one coming, was it?

When Caren Berg told colleagues at a recent staff meeting, "There's new people you should meet," her boss Don Silver broke in, says Ms. Berg, a senior vice president at a Fort Lauderdale, Fla., marketing and crisis-communications company.

Divide and conquer

Can't make this stuff up. Apaprently, there is a "time-wasting gap" -- poor kids are spending more time than well-off children using their televisions and gadgets. Government actually spent millions to cause this problem, so now the government wants to spend millions to "fix" it:

Silly lower classes! Don't they realize this wonderful new technology is for self-improvement, not for pleasure? Something must be done.

Court is in session

WOWO News Director Dave Wheaton had his cell phone confiscated when he took it into Judge Fran Gull's Allen Superior Courtroom and now faces a contempt citation. News-Sentinel columnist Kevin Leininger thinks the solution is to grant a new-technology exemption for "legitimate" journalists -- a word that's used more than once -- that is not enjoyed by the general public:

What does Warren know?

If Warren Buffet is the smartest investor in America, why in the world is he buying up newspapers, which is supposed to be the dumbest investment in the world these days? The secret is that most of the 63 papers he now owns are in the 5,000-25,000 circulation range:

Outta my Facebook!

As the world turns

This is fascinating -- "15 current technologies a child born today will never use." A few are already practically out the door, like the fax machine, hard drives and movie theaters. Most are so obvious that once you seen them listed, you realize how right he is -- prime time TV, desktops, landline phones. This is one I hadn't thought about:

Phone Numbers
