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Opening Arguments

Finally, an honest arsonist

Hoosier criminal genius of the week -- Benjamin Williams of Indianapolis, who confessed to setting nine fires at houses and garages, causing nearly $150,000 in property damages:

Williams told investigators that he started the fires because he was "drunk, stupid and bored," according to a probable cause affidavit.

Cliff notes

Gee, ya think?

Congress risks taking the economy over a “massive fiscal cliff,” Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned lawmakers on Wednesday.

The purrfect candidate

Finally, a candidate I can support enthusiastically:

SPRINGFIELD, Va. (AP) -- A new U.S. Senate candidate in Virginia wears a tie, has a campaign website and even launched an ad. One big difference? He has a thick coat of fur.

Leap to nowhere

Posted in: Current events

This is a hoot

I accept it that government takes actions that pick winners and losers sometimes when it's got no business doing so, but this seems a little extreme:

To save the imperiled spotted owl, the Obama administration is moving forward with a controversial plan to shoot barred owls, a rival bird that has shoved its smaller cousin aside.

So long, Kelo, maybe

Three cheers and all that for the House, but why did it take them so long to get around to it?

The House on Tuesday afternoon approved legislation that overturns a 2005 Supreme Court decision that affirmed the ability of states to take control of private property under the doctrine of eminent domain and hand it to another private developer.

Not exactly comprehensive

The American Cancer Society: You know, it's almost like the senators are doing this on purpose because secretly they don't really want the ban to pass:

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana senators on Tuesday gutted a proposal to ban smoking statewide, leading anti-tobacco advocates to oppose the severely weakened measure.

The fix is out

I know anybody can sue anybody else for absolutely anything. Still, someone who would bring a suit like this has some balls:

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Screwing with the odds

Kinda scary if so many people are really this dumb:

A new review of condom research reveals some surprising findings: many people use them incorrectly.

Vroom, vroom

The General Assembly is getting out of an area it shouldn't have been involved with in the first place:

Indiana’s motorcycle dealers will be allowed to buy and sell their bikes on Sundays under a change in state law that legislators have approved.  The Indiana House voted 68-31 on Monday in favor of the bill removing the current ban on Sunday motorcycle sales.

Up against the wall

Footprints in the sand

It's loony tune time at the Dunes:

A suspected Bigfoot sighting a little more than three years ago in the environs of Indiana Dunes State Park (IDSP) has led Animal Planet’s Bigfoot Finders to Duneland.

The episode of Finding Bigfoot will air at 9 p.m. Sunday, March 4, on Animal Planet.

Gas attack

Gov. Mitch Daniels says Preisdent Obama is to blame for higher prices at the pump:

Let's give the president credit for one domestic policy that works. He wanted higher gas prices and he got them," said Daniels on Fox News Sunday.

Junk the options

Here's a stunner. Under Indiana law, at least half the food in Indiana school vending machines must be "healthy choice options" lole dried apple slices and baked chips and low-fat pretzels. But guess what:

Separation anxiety

Rick Santorum has a habit of saying things in such a flamboyantly awkward way that's it's too easy for his opponents to mock his words without quite addressing the substance of his remarks. A case in point:

Former senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) on Sunday defended a statement he made last October in which he said that he “almost threw up” when he read John F. Kennedy’s 1960 Houston address on the role of religion in public life.

[. . .]

Growing pains

Soul in flux

This is about the specific issue of abortion, but it nicely sums up a lot of people's dissatisfaction with Mitt Romney in general:

Rick's in

So sorry. Not.

In the course of apologizing for the tone of his anti-Girl Scout remarks (they were "emotional, reactionary and inflammatory") but standing by the substance (he still doesn't like the national organization and won't sign no stinkin' resolution), Bob Morris said an odd (to me) thing. He mentioned that he intended that his remarks reach only the limitied audience of his Republican Indiana House colleagues. And:

Debt? What debt?

How disheartening:


The national debt would increase, perhaps dramatically, under the tax and spending plans of the leading Republican presidential candidates, according to an independent budget watchdog group.
