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Opening Arguments

Running debate

Five reasons Mitch Daniels should run for president, and five reasons Mitch Daniels should not run for president.

Best reason to run:

Cross the Borders

Rats! We aren't escaping after all:

Two more Indiana Borders stores have been added to the list of those the company plans to close as part of its filing for bankruptcy protection.


Borders Group announced last month it would close about 200 of its 642 stores, including six in Indiana.


Posted in: Books, Our town

Double or nothing

Thirteen years ago, Earl Dashawn Terrell became a quadriplegic when was shot. Brandon J. Gaither was convicted of aggravated battery and sentenced to 15 years. Terrell has just died, and the coroner has ruled it a homicide because the death resulted from complications related to his condition, which resulted from the gunshots. But it looks like Gaither is going to get a pass:

Well, excuuuse me

Blogging has been a little light this week. I'm on the panel that got to interview 17 high school students for the journalism scholarship we award each year, and this was also the week the editorial board began doing endorsement candidate interviews for the May primary. I'll to pick up the pace next week.

(The students were exceptionally bright and talented this year. Usual crop of candidates so far, though.)

Dancing with the debt

"Being nickeled and dimed to death" usually refers to little costs that add up while you're not paying attention. But its also apt for our lunkheads in Washington who argue bitterly over whether to cut nickels and dimes while the trillions in debt pile up:

Health nuts

Good lord, what a bunch of idiots:

Although Japan is more than 9,000 miles away from Indiana, many Hoosiers concerned about the effects of radiation after the nuclear threat there are stocking up on iodide.


State health officials said there is no reason for Hoosiers to suddenly stock up on a supplement that can only protect against one type of radiation damage.


Picking on the president

Who says President Obama isn't decisive?

You've got some pressure when the President of the United States is counting on you. President Obama filled out his bracket for ESPN.com and the winner, according to the President, will be the Kansas Jayhawks.

All news is local

Remind you of anything?

Society Executive Director Theresa Kulczak says the impact of the earthquake and tsunami on Indiana's manufacturing sector could prove to be "fairly large and significant."

Hint: Think pre-Onion.

Chico and the man

The story of Chico, the severely neglected chihuahua found during a drug arrest, has a happy ending. Chico has recovered, and Allen County Sheriff's Department Officer Brock Williams, one of the officers who found him, has adopted him. But even a heartwarming tale can have a sour note:

Surprise, surprise

"Give 'em an inch" department:

The Indiana Senate has approved a bill making it illegal for drivers to send or read text messages, but also banning talking on the phone.

[. . .]

Sen. Brent Steele of Bedford proposed an amendment adopted Monday applying the ban to all cell phone use by drivers. He says that using a phone to make a call can be as dangerous as texting.

Foxy Evan

The liberal blogs are annoyed as hell with former Sen. Evan Bayh. The Indiana Democrat said in a New York Times piece he was leaving the Senate because of "strident partisanship" and "unyielding ideology." He said he might, oh, teach or enter philanthropic work or otherwise do something "worthwhile for society." What did he really do? First, He became just another Congress-trained lobbyist peddling his influence, evening things out with lobbyist-turned-senator Dan Coats.

Greetings, citizens!

1. Announce with great fanfare that citizen suggestions are being sought for a name for the new home of 40 city and county departments.

2. Flatly reject the name that got the overwhelming majority of citizen votes.

3. In a carefully worded announcement that omitted mention of the former mayor's name, Mayor Tom Henry said today the building will be known as “Citizens Square."

A childish proposal

You could immediately grasp the flawed thinking behind President Bush's education policy just by its name: No Child Left Behind. That's an absurd, unachievable goal that can only be announced by a politician too long in the fantasy world in which government can do absoutely anything. Now comes President Obama to seek a change in the policy that would be even more delusional:

Long way, baby

Sometimes real life is far weirder than any parody The Onion can come up with. Al-Qaida has launcned a "Jihad Cosmo" magazine with beauty and fashion tips along with advice on suicide bombings.

Readers are told it is their duty to raise children to be mujahideen ready for jihad.

And the 'beauty column' instructs women to stay indoors with their faces covered to keep a 'clear complexion'.

Posted in: Current Affairs

Time frame

Still drowsy after the loss of an hour's sleep on DST weekend? Still eye-popping mad about the whole concept? This rant from six years ago should wake you up or calm you down, as the case may be:

Moped delusions

Hard to resist a story that opens with this:

A moped-riding would-be gigolo is behind bars this morning for trying to bribe a female police officer with $5 and an offer of intimacy.

Winning the future

New York Times legal commentator Linda Greenhouse analyzes Antonin Scalia's blistering dissents and wonders what "this smart, rhetorically gifted man thinks his bullying accomplishes?" She ventures the opinion that he cannot contain himself because he has become so furious and resentful at not getting all that much accomplished.

But Scalia had a better explanation in 2008 when The Wall Street Journal asked him if he viewed judicial dissent as a form of advocacy.


A righteous rant from Rand Paul, speaking to Kathleen Hogan, DOE deputy assistant secretary of energy efficiency:

“Light bulbs, refrigerators, toilets, you name it. You can't go around your house without being told what to buy,” Paul said. “You restrict my purchases. You don't care about my choices. You don't care about the consumer.

Mass appeal

This is a proposed cut in state funding that hasn't been getting much attention. It's escaped mine, anyway. From a letter to the editor in the Indianpolis Star:
