This is from the "paper of record" that publishes "all the news that's fit to print," so of course we must take it as 100 percent the gospel truth.
This is from the "paper of record" that publishes "all the news that's fit to print," so of course we must take it as 100 percent the gospel truth.
Kathleen Sebelius: You know, the American people are a pretty stupid bunch.
Still, Sebelius didn’t dispute the point that many Americans don’t fully understand how health insurance and the Affordable Care Act work, including the trade-offs involved in expanding coverage.
Via The Daily Caller, Planned Parenthood is seriously irony-impaired:
Planned Parenthood joined the #BlackLivesMatter Twitter protest Monday afternoon, tweeting, “We are joining #Ferguson organizers and protesters in DC today — standing in solidarity with you! #HandsUpWalkOut #BlackLivesMatter”
President Obama has unfortunately decided to add to the racial demagoguery in the wake of Ferguson rather than trying to stop it. But he has half a good idea here:
President Obama on Monday will announce $263 million in funding for law enforcement agencies to purchase body-worn cameras and improve training.
This whole "using Ferguson to push a racial-victims narrative" is now officially completely out of hand.
The St. Louis Rams made a silent statement about the decision by a Ferguson, Mo., grand jury not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old, last August.
If it's true, goodbye and good riddance:
Liberalism, to paraphrase the late Preston Sturges (he was referring to chivalry), is “not only dead, it’s decomposed.”
Liberalism n’existe pas — and almost everybody knows it. It is completely out of ideas. Obama was the last gasp of a dying ideology. All they have left is some pathetic and teetering identity politics.
Don't look now, but I think Black Friday's time has come and gone:
Even after doling out discounts on electronics and clothes, retailers struggled to entice shoppers to Black Friday sales events, putting pressure on the industry as it heads into the final weeks of the holiday season.
Typical progressive, politically correct mixture of smugness and ignorance:
President Obama quite succinctly summed up the absurdity of the Republicans' issues with his immigration reform in Chicago yesterday, arguing that perhaps the only people who can legitimately be pissed off about illegal immigrants are Native Americans.
[. . .]
I know I've expressed my dismay/disgust with the media's unprofessional and malicious show of journalistic incompetence in the Ferguson case. Time and time again it has been shown that the primary agenda of the press is not to provide, thoroughly and fairly, the facts Americans need to be informed citizens.
But let me vent a little more, please.
I think this guy gets it exactly right:
Suck it up, voter ID opponents:
Voter ID laws do not swing many elections, because people without identification do not represent a large share of registered voters; they are particularly unlikely to vote; and a share of them will vote Republican.
If this isn't the most disturbing thing you've read this week, you may already be suffering from pathological nonjudgmentalism:
I have a very 2014 question for you: How would you respond if you found out that a man living down the street regularly has sexual intercourse with a horse?
Happy Thanksgiving. Haven't you just been dying to know whether your name is more Republican or more Democratic?
INDIANAPOLIS - When you go out to eat in Indiana, you can't really know if the restaurant is clean, unless you search for inspection reports online.
But that search can be time consuming, inconvenient and impractical. That's why other cities and states use a letter grading system, so when patrons walk up to a restaurant, the rating and the score are in plain sight.
Sorry, Hillary, being a woman is not enough:
Her prospective candidacy offers the possibility of the first female president in history, but for all the power behind that aspiration, it is not a message.
That's Washington Post columnist Dan Balz, not a nutjob rightwing Fox News contributor.
I've been wondering about this, too: Why is the Ferguson grand jury taking so long?
I don't want to get into a whole tu quoque foofaraw over immigration -- you know: Obama is defying the Constitution by going around Congress. Well, so did Reagan. But Obama is being hypocritica about itl. Well, Bush, too. Blah, blah, blah.
The future is here, and New York City is jumping into it:
Could this really happen -- the end of the Postal Service as we know it?
If Congress does not pass legislation that would save the Postal Service from financial collapse before the end of its current session, the future of the country’s mail service will be in the hands of a senator who opposes government unions and thinks the Postal Service should be privatized.
The lefty blogs and websites are piling on Gov. Mike Pence for the state's plan to require some food stamp recipients to meet certain conditions. Here's the Crooks and Liars site:
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) explained on Tuesday that a new policy that could cut off food stamps for thousands of people in his state would be "ennobling" for poor people.
I realize it's mostly pointless to argue about "climate change," because it truly has become like a religion; you either believe in it or you do not, and logic and facts are not of much use when it comes to matters of faith. But, what the hell, an editorial writer frequently finds himself in "beating a dead horse" territory, so here are things "the mainstream media won't tell you about global warming," including the most obvious one: