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Opening Arguments

One-eyed Republicans

Here's a great explnation of this particular point in history.

1. Repbulicans in President Bush's second term sucked:

They were idiots, they were no good at the whole fiscal conservatism thing (which is sort of the whole point of them), we had these wars that seemed to be going nowhere, and the economy was beginning to fail.

2. But Democrats under President Obama have sucked even worse:

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No starving masses here

Well, there's extravagant, then there's extravagant:

Six Memorial Coliseum executives could be in line for big pay raises next year, even though other Allen County employees

Party like it's . . . oh, ne

If you've gearing up for that big End of the World party for Dec. 21, 2012, you might want to uncancel your insurance and stop spending the kids' college money:

A critique of the Mayan calendar in the textbook, “Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World,” argues that the conversion from the Mayan calendar to modern calendar may actually by off by about 50-100 years.

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Rights of passage

The debate over illegal immigration isn't gone, it's just simmering below the surface, and "simmering" is exactly the right word. There's still a lot of anger out there over the possibility of amnesty, and it will bubble up again when those pushing for it inevitably bring it up again. And the issue of birthright citizenship is not going to remain a "crackpot idea of the fringe right" much longer. Lawmakers in 15 states have announced a nationwide effort to change the way the 14th Amendment is interpreted.

Stalled in the fast lane

Just in case we're not sick enough of all the "politics as driving" metaphors (Republicans are the ones who put us in the ditch! If you're heading toward a cliff, you should change directions!), we now have another one:

Roughing the passer

Brett Favre is alleged to have e-mailed a photo of a certain part of his anatomy to three women. Junior Seau drove his SUV off a cliff after being accused of domestic battery. Ben Roethlisberger is back in the starting lineup after his suspension for sexual assault allegations. Micahel Vick served prison time for running a dogfighting ring.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Catch me if . . . oops

Criminal genius of the week:

Evansville Police Department officers are looking for two individuals who allegedly stole three bottles of vodka from a West Side store Monday night.

[. . .]

The employee also told police that she recognized one of the men from earlier this year when he filled out a job application there.

Unicorns cause global warming

Scoop of the week:

FOOTAGE of a unicorn running though a wood has been exposed as an elaborate hoax to promote an upcoming science exhibition.

The long and short of it

The Indianapolis Business Journal takes note of Indiana's two politicians on the "mentioned for the presidency list and comes to the obvious conclusion already reached by many:

Let's retire to France

Let's disarm! You first

A tax on the stupid

I am, A) at best an indifferent housekeeper prone to clutter and, B) someone who doesn't always pay the attention he should, so, C) once in a while I misplace something or even forget I have it. Still, this seems like a pretty big "oops" to me:

Time is running out to claim a $200,000 winning Powerball prize sold in Indianapolis.  The window of opportunity to claim the prize closes Monday, October 18th.

Afraid? Not

Goody. Apparently I am no longer a racist, sexist, xenophopic homophone for believing that the federal government is getting out of control. I am just askert:

Americans are so "scared" they're not thinking straight about the upcoming elections, President Obama said over the weekend, as he sought to explain why voters are turning to Republican candidates. 

Like grownups, almost

I've wondered about this myself:

I'm wondering whether the word "ADULT" is becoming a completely new word, which no longer means what it once meant.


In fact, I would be willing to bet that in a lot of communities (whether real life or online), the word "ADULT" alone is a red flag.

Oops times 10

This book sounded so intriguing I had to download it to my Kindle:

Posted in: All about me, Books

Safety net

"Flaws in the original business plan" is the polite, low-key way the troubles with the Public Safety Academy of Northeast Indiana are being described. It was supposed be a money generator, drawing police and firefighter students from all over. But the city is again being asked for $550,000 to plug the hole in 2011's $960,000 operating costs, and City Council members are worried they'll end up paying a half-million a year forever.

Their terrible suffering will end

South Bend is facing the same thing Fort Wayne does -- raises granted to union employees leading to pressure to increase the salaries of non-union employes:

We understand the administration's motivation to catch up nonbargaining employees with bargaining ones. But in light of last year's call for and passage of an increase in the local income tax, the timing of the request has a certain tone deafness to it.

Hobgoblin wath

If my little mind went searching for the hobgoblin of foolish consistency, it sure wouldn't find it on The Journal Gazette editorial page today. The JG endorses Democrat Tom Hayhurst for 3rd District U.S. Representative because his:

superior understanding of the issues, proven record of service and bipartisan temperament make him the better choice, especially considering the difficult economic and political climate.

Facebook him, Dano

A budding Hoosier criminal genius:

A 16-year-old boy was charged Thursday as an adult after, police said, he brought a gun to school and revealed that in a posting on Facebook.


School officials said the teen had just begun going to Indianapolis Metropolitan High School, a charter school on West Michigan Street, in August.


Minimum fuss

E.J. Dionne's latest column, which The Journal Gazette ran this morning, has one of the most unintentionally hilarious opening paragraphs I've seen in awhile:

The 2010 election is turning into a class war. The wealthy and the powerful started it.

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