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Opening Arguments

Hooray for the do-nothing Congress


The 113th Congress was publicly chided by Washington’s chiding classes for not getting much done last year — that is, for not passing very many laws. Indeed, 2013 was the “least productive” Congress in 66 years.

Isn’t it nice to read some good news for a change?

[. . .]

Genius at work

Posted in: Music, Television

(Not so) hot stuff

OMG, 2013 tied with 2003 as the fourth-warmest year globally since records began in 1880. It's just getting so damn hot, and we're all going to die! So turn over you lives to the United Nations and send us more money right now so we can save this planet!

Except . . .

The talk machine

Of course we are all inclined to stop listening to our ideological opponents at some point, so I'm opening myself up to accusations of merely giving in to my bias, but I think this is true enough to warrant attention:

Pro-choice delusions

Dana Milbank, one of the Washington Post's condescending liberal (but I repeat myself) pundits, considers Wednesday's March for Life in Washington and takes a delusional turn:

Beyond books

Cool, way cool:

Forget what you know about the library of the 20th century. You know, those dark places with clunky microform machines fossilizing in the basement and with rows of encyclopedias standing, perfectly alphabetized, in denial of their obsolescence.

The libertarian surge

Wait, what? The press is becoming more libertarian?

In a fractured media environment with an ever-shrinking universe of potential readers and viewers, media firms are seeking out dedicated audiences that they do not have to expend the energy and capital themselves to build. Among the more loyal audience of political news and opinion consumers are those with a libertarian bent – particularly because they have been so underserved for years. That is changing.

The great divider

Glenn Beck admits to regrets at helping "tear the country apart" instead of offering thoughts on our uniting principles, and Ed Morrissey reacts:

Target reached

Oh, dear. Who could have seen this coming?

Target Corp. (TGT) said it will end health insurance for part-time employees, joining Trader Joe’s Co., Home Depot Inc. and other retailers that have scaled back benefits in response to changes from Obamacare.

Ooooh, look at me

Eeeuu. This puts a whole new spin on "trying to see things from someone else's perspective."

Google has been promoting its latest piece of hardware, Google Glass, as the latest, must-have, sexy tech product.

Now a software company wants to take the sexiness one step farther.


It's not the economy, stupid

Indiana University professor Charles Trzcinka: The claim that putting a same-sex marriage ban into the state constitution would have a negative economic impact is bogus:

Extra points

My first thought about this was "No way, leave the damn game alone," but then I decided I was being too reactonary. Everything changes, so why not football?

The NFL is reportedly considering abolishing the extra point after touchdowns as part of its scoring system. 

Posted in: Sports, Television

Too late, too drastic

Someone who isn't a crazed conservative wingnut wants to impeach President Obama:

WASHINGTON — Worse than Richard Nixon. An unprecedented abuse of powers. The most un-American president in the nation’s history.

Nat Hentoff does not think much of President Obama.

And now, the famous journalist says it is time to begin looking into impeachment.

No. Period.

Jar of life

Posted in: Current events

Look, up in the sky!

That may or may not be a mushroom cloud I see, but just in case Armageddon the hell outta here:

Power trip

When he's right he's right -- President Obama said something about the NSA that I entirely agree with:

He gasped and choked

He had an owie, and then he died:

LUCASVILLE, Ohio — It wasn’t the terrifying, brutal death he inflicted on his 22-year-old victim in 1989, but Dennis McGuire did not go quietly yesterday.

McGuire struggled, made guttural noises, gasped for air and choked for about 10 minutes before succumbing to a new, two-drug execution method at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility near Lucasville.

A sad goodbye
