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Opening Arguments

No limit keep 'em

I've been waiting for somebody to bring this up, and a New York University history professor does the honors:

Nor does Obama have to fear the voters, which might be the scariest problem of all. If he chooses, he could simply ignore their will. And if the people wanted him to serve another term, why shouldn’t they be allowed to award him one?

Merry fortnight

My libertarian instincts kick in against edicts such as this, but on another level it's quite pleasing:

Snap judgment

President Obama: I know an immigrant when I see one:

As I was getting a tour of DreamWorks, I didn't ask, but just looking at faces, I could tell there were some folks who are here not because they were born here, but because they want to be here and they bring extraordinary talents to the United States.

"Just by looking at faces." Think about that one for a few minutes.

Thanksgiving turkey

Goody. Now I can look forward to something besides football and family arguments over leftovers and religion this Thanksgiving. There might be lectures on Obamacare:

Law of the land

Uh huh, sure:

During remarks on immigration, President Obama was confronted onstage by a protester calling on him to use executive power to bypass Congress on the issue.

HIV on purpose

This is kind of scary, but I'm not quite sure what to make of it:

A recent World Health Organization report paints an alarming picture regarding the health implications of Europe’s economic crisis, including how some Greek citizens are infecting themselves with HIV in order to receive 700 euros in government benefits.

[. . .]

Reality bites

A boring little post

Pulling the wrong string

This is my favorite story today so far:

An appeals court has cleared a New York City driver in a fatal crash after agreeing she faced an "unforeseen emergency" when a back-seat passenger untied her bikini top.

Posted in: Current events

Mr. Pragmatic

I don't know if this belongs up there with "I am not a crook" and "Read my lips, no new taxes," but it's a doozy:

”I’m not a particularly ideological person,” Obama said Sunday during a fundraiser in Seattle. “There’s things, some values I feel passionately about.”

Where have all the rebels gone?

Nuclear madness

Somebody could spend all day compiling examples of hypocrisy from all across the political spectrum over the U.S. Senate's "nuclear option," which was avoided for all of American history until Harry Reid decided to go there this week. Our politicians and elected officials are passionately for the filibuster or vehemently against it based solely on whether their party is in the Senate minority or majority.

There go the doorknobs

It's bye, bye doorknobs in Vancouver:

In Vancouver, the doorknob is heading into a setting sun. Its future has been date-marked, legislated out of existence in all future construction, a tip to society’s quest for universal design and the easier-to-use lever handle.

And as it goes in Vancouver, so will it go in B.C., Canada, and perhaps even the world…..

A tale of two states

Today's Journal Gazette editorial tut-tut's "the president's foes" in states like Indiana who have tried to undercut Obamacare at every turn, and states like Kentuck, where wise and wonderful leaders have warmly embraced the Affordable Care Act. While acknowledging that the plan's debut has been rocky for all (and reluctantly adminitting that :much of the panic and confusion can be laid at the Obama administration's doorstep), the paper says things are much elss rocky in Kentucky that in Indiana:

Like some fries with that Bach?

I can't decide if this is more funny or more sad:

A McDonald's outlet in Australia has begun playing classical musical and opera late at night to deter young people from loitering around the restaurant.

Because we said so

Knock on wood

Oh, for God's sake:

A lawsuit filed against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by seven states is seeking to force the federal agency to impose stringent new regulations on residential wood-burning heaters, which they claim “can increase particle pollution to levels that cause significant health concerns.”


Another football metaphor
