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Back up, harlots!

If I may be so bigoted as to criticize someone else's religious practices, this is just plain nuts:

JERUSALEM - It's the latest prescription for extreme ultra-Orthodox Jewish men who shun contact with the opposite sex: Glasses that blur their vision, so they don't have to see women they consider to be immodestly dressed.

[. . .]

We see you!

Orange aid

The final three?

Country roads

Dang, I bet somebody could write a good country song about this:

Country superstar Randy Travis walked naked into a convenience store to buy cigarettes, touching off a bizarre series of events that ended with him being charged with threatening to shoot a state trooper in North Texas, police and sources said.

. . . and one for all

President Obama -- when he's right, he's right:

How do you respond to criticism that your administration hasn’t done enough to support black businesses?

Magazine wreck

"Misery loves company" department:


NEW YORK (AP) - U.S. magazine sales fell nearly 10% in the first half of 2012, a troubling sign for print publishers that suggests Americans are still being careful about discretionary spending.

No close calls here

You silly, uninformed average voters. You're probably buying into the propaganda that this is going to be a real squeaker of a presidential race, a too-close-to-call nail biter to the very end. Well, guess again:

In other words, Obama can lose the big Eastern four—Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida: all of ’em!—and still be reelected.

High judo

Hey, man, I just wanted to mellow out, 'K? I mean, you know, it was, like, every time I stepped into the ring, some dude was trying to throw me down, man.

American judo fighter Nick Delpopolo was expelled from the Olympic Games on Monday after testing positive for marijuana he said he ate accidentally before arriving in London.

What's fair?

In taxation as in anything else, there is no such thing as an objective standard of "fairness." Fair is what we think is fair at any given time -- as this Wall Street Journal piece says, it's not resolvable scientifically but only "by a show of hands." But to get there, we have to accept a basic set of facts, starting with these four:
