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Here we go again

Today's "tail wagging the dog" news:

Indiana University Athletic Director Fred Glass didn’t hire men’s basketball coach Tom Crean. But he’s sure bent on keeping Crean in Bloomington for a long time.

Last week, Glass announced that Crean’s contract is being extended two years—through 2020. An extension always amounts to a pay raise.

General accounting

Hey, how about this for a novelty -- a general in the middle of a scandal that doesn't involve sex:

Gen. William “Kip” Ward, the one-time head of the U.S. Africa Command, was demoted Tuesday and ordered to repay $82,000 he blew on extravagant trips and other unauthorized expenses.

Flirts of fancy

Sure hope we find out how innocent or "inappropriate" the emails between General John Allen and Jill Kelley were, so I can sleep at night again:

You say you want a revolution?

This seems a little drastic. I mean, we do recall what happened the last time don't we?

Loosen up


The David Petraeus scandal is becoming a three-ring circus, and it's beginning to look lik Jill Kelley is the real start attraction. There is this:

Drop that steak, kid!

It's a vegetarian conspiracy!

For one day each week, the Los Angeles City Council wants residents to go vegetarian.

In a unanimous 12-0 vote, the council approved a resolution Friday endorsing the "meatless Monday" campaign and asking residents to make a personal pledge to ditch meat for one day a week.

Broken any rules today? Sure?

Actually, the real surprise here is that the number is so low:

It’s Friday morning, and so far today, the Obama administration has posted 165 new regulations and notifications on its reguations.gov website.

In the past 90 days, it has posted 6,125 regulations and notices – an average of 68 a day.

Good gig for a turncoat

Oh, dear God, say it isn't so:

President Obama is considering asking Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) to serve as his next defense secretary, part of an extensive rearrangement of his national security team that will include a permanent replacement for former CIA director David H. Petraeus.

The vast -- and emptier -- wasteland

"Misery loves company" department -- the newspaper industry (and print in general) isn't alone if feeling stressed by everybody's new-media options:

Do the math

I know Bill Kristol doesn't speak for all conservatives, but his is a major conservative voice that commands attention. So this should not be taken lightly:

Conservative commentator and Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol said Sunday the Republican Party should accept new ideas, including the much-criticized suggestion by Democrats that taxes be allowed to go up on the wealthy.


This strikes me as a pretty simplistic -- that is to say, almost simple-minded -- analysis:

INDIANAPOLIS — What do President Barack Obama, Schools Superintendent Tony Bennett and State Treasurer Richard Mourdock have in common, aside from losing Indiana voters this year after winning them over on previous ballots?

They all represented break-neck change, and Indiana voters said "No, thank you."

11/11 plus one

Happy Veterans Day, even though 11/11 was, well, you know, yesterday, and this three-day-weekend crap that ignores the real holiday observances is getting way out of hand.

Here's President Obama, speaking at Arlington National Cemetery yesterday, the right day, thank you very much:

Oh, goody

Maybe he can teach the course on "Looking the other way when the politicians you like screw up" or the one on "Sneering at those you disagree with while pretending to be objective":

President Barack Obama's senior campaign adviser David Axelrod said on CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday that his next project will include inspiring young people to become "journalists."


What happened?

OK, let's do an election once-over before moving on to more important things.


I've had my usual pre-election vacation, now I'm taking the much-needed post-election recovery week. See you again on Monday the 12th.

Posted in: All about me

The case for not voting

Like me, you've undoubedly been assaulted from all sides in recent months about the need to know the candidates and study the issues so you can go out there and do your civic duty by voting responsibly. So let's hear at least one voice from the other side, "Your Vote Doesn't Count":

Serenity, Part 2

Here's another "take a break from campaign ads" campaign ad I like even better than the one I linked to yesterday.

Flight of fancy
