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Opening Arguments

Yeah, we see you, so just stop that

Terry Doran, one of our frequently contributing guest columnists, sometimes goes off on a paranoid "the haves keep looking for ways to screw the have-nots" rant. In a column in today's paper, he prefaces one such rant with a grievance against domestic spying:

Recently my daughter, Cayman, in the eighth grade, asked about the shutdown and the massive spying operation on Americans by their own government.


This isn't just common sense (from Australia, alas, not our own government). It's calling out the scoundrels and charlatans for who they really are:

The last hurrah

The gulf, war

"Perfect" sucks

This isn't exactly comforting:

In an era of wrenching economic and social change, voters bet their hopes on a little-tested leader who a) echoed their disillusionment, b) pledged to end polarization, c) defied his party's extremists, d) embraced the task of tackling big problems, and e) seemed authentic.

O, you big liar

No, no, no, no:

As Meg Ryan famously demonstrated in "When Harry Met Sally," women can -- and do -- fake orgasms in bed. But a new survey suggests that it's men who are more likely to fake the Big O -- and that's not the only thing they're lying about between the sheets.

Sunday delivery!

Postal Service: Well, Congress won't let us cut back on delievery. So let's go the other way:

A relative conservative

A perceptive observation:

Gov. Rick Perry of Texas credited Chris Christie for his re-election in New Jersey, but he pointedly questioned whether the 22-point victory by Christie held any greater meaning for the Republican Party.

Beware the carp

This is a big deal, and I'm surprised it isn't getting more play:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Sorry, so sorry

Posted in: Current events

Just close the store, OK?

Tortured analogy of the day, from President Obama on the disastrous health care rollout:

Now, this is like having a really good product in the store and the cash registers don't work and there aren't enough parking spots and nobody can get through the door.

Mayors just want to have fun

A mayor admits to using crack cocaine? What possible excuse could he offer?

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has admitted that he used crack cocaine while in office.

Here we go again


I, uh, er, well now:

Today in Japan, bottled wine created especially for cats goes on sale. This is not a joke. Apparently.

The honored dead

For some reason, this story didn't really grab my attention the first time I saw it

U.S. Senator Dan Coats testified today in support of a bill he’s authoring that would give the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the U.S. Department of the Army the authority to disinter veterans buried in national cemeteries who committed a federal or state capital crime.

Guilty on all counts

The jury has reached its verdict in the case of David Bisard, the former Indianapolis police opfficer accused of being drunk when his patrol car slammed into some motorcyclists, killing one of them:

An Indianapolis police officer was convicted Tuesday of driving drunk and causing a fatal crash, sparking a case that has roiled the city's police department for more than three years.

Are you kidding? I have no peers

That's some pause

The only thing we know for certain is that we can't know anything for certain. Unless, of course, you're one of those reality deniers:

The 17-year pause in global warming is likely to last into the 2030s and the Arctic sea ice has already started to recover, according to new research.

Throwing out second-best

As someone with strong libertarian instincts, this is a dilemma I've struggled with for most of my voting life:
