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Opening Arguments


Bill and Howard

"Great minds think alke" department: The Evansville Courier & Press and The News-Sentinel have very similar editorials about then-mayor Mitch Daniels' efforts to get historian Howard Zinn's book out of Hoosier classrooms and former Education Secretary William Bennett's book into them. This is from my N-S editorial:

Minority report

Oh, darn, I was hoping I could be a member of one of the new ones so I, too, could feel special:

The U.S. Supreme Court is making decisions that should be left to Congress or the people, from wiretapping to "inventing" new classes of minorities, Justice Antonin Scalia said Monday.

[. . .]

Drop that phone, dirtbag

Getting scarier all the time:

If the police arrest you, do they need a warrant to rifle through your cellphone? Courts have been split on the question. Last week the Obama administration asked the Supreme Court to resolve the issue and rule that the Fourth Amendment allows warrantless cellphone searches.

[. . .]

On the road to equality

In today's America, this is sad but not really surprising:

A 9-year-old who has won five straight reading contests at a New York library now has a new challenger to his throne – the library’s director, who says the young reader “hogs” the contest prizes each year and should “step aside.”

check and mate

Just plain toopid:

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed a new gun control measure into law on Sunday that mandates all owners — even private citizens — perform background checks on potential buyers before finalizing weapons sales.

None of the above

Nothing much about the human condition throws me -- I've seen enough strange turns in my lifetime to know just about anything is possible. Once in a while, though, something comes along that is stunning enough to make feel really old and out of it. This is one:

The unwinnable war

This isn't exactly a shocking headline; it could have been written any time in the last 50 years and, come to think of it, has been, many times: The war on drugs has been a failure:

Digital suicide

Will the last one leaving please turn out the lights before you go? Oh, wait, that could be me:

This could be the final blow to paper and ink news: Reporters graduating out of journalism school and headed to work at newspapers and magazines don't read print media, with over seven of 10 choosing digital news and social media websites instead, the highest number ever, according to an authoritative new study.

Yes, he certainly is sorry

Well, hell, then, as long as you're sorry, guess we'll just let you go:

Pte First Class Bradley Manning has apologised for hurting the US by leaking a trove of classified US government documents to Wikileaks.

At a sentencing hearing in Fort Meade, Maryland, Pte Manning, 25, said he had mistakenly believed he could "change the world for the better".

Posted in: Current events

Facing our sadness

Permission to speak, sir!

Hey, Fort Wayne was ahead of the curve on one -- we've already had this fight here:

David Rubin wants to be able to put political signs in his yard.

Birthers, baby

Granted it's just a small sip (not the Big Gulp Rivera slammed back), but even Ann Coulter is drinking the birther Kool-Aid:

This counts as praise in my book

Awww, the International Sociast Organization doesn't think much of Purdue Univeristy's new president. From SOCIALISTWORKER.org:

Another crisis averted

This was much ado about nothing, eh?

The Anthony Wayne Statue will remain at Freimann Square following a deal made Tuesday between the City of Fort Wayne and the Allen County Courthouse Preservation Trust.

Your first rodeo, clown?

It ain't easy

Yeah, well, just deal with it, you big baby:

Speaking to State Department personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia, Brazil, on Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry said that "this little thing called the Internet ... makes it much harder to govern."
