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Opening Arguments

Asked and answered

Question of the day is in this headline:

Morning Examiner: Has Obama peaked?

On Jan. 20, 2009, would be my assessment.

Make room, make room!

Now we know why Mayor Bloomberg wants to ban giant sugared drinks -- so there'll be more room in tiny apartments!

And you thought your apartment was small.

Polls apart

For today's "Hmmmn" file. How do we square this

A new poll found 56 percent of likely voters believe Obama's first term has transformed the nation in a negative way, compared to just 35 percent who believe the country has changed for the better.

with this?

Lost treasure

This is a sad day:

Patty Martone has died, according to information provided by her family to The News-Sentinel.

Stirring the pot

One thing we've avoided doing during the immigration debates over the past few years is consider the whole of our immigration policy, including legal immigration, which is a consuing web of quotas and restrictions. I think Jeff Jacoby is on to something here when he suggests that it's time we consider scrapping the whole thing:

Chicken joke

Here's an urban problem I'll bet you didn't imagine you'd be reading about today. The hobby of "backyard chicken farming" is growing much in Indianapolis that the rounding up of "roving, aggressive chickens" by the Animal Care and Control  folks is sharply up. What to do with the captured critters?

Happy warriors

Liberals seem depressed by the studies showing that conservatives have the edge when it comes to being happy:

An explanation for the happiness gap more congenial to liberals is that conservatives are simply inattentive to the misery of others. If they recognized the injustice in the world, they wouldn’t be so cheerful.

China envy

When a buffoon like Thomas Friedman prattles on with China envy, it's up-to-a-point amusing. When when it comes from a Cabinet secretary, it's just a little bit scary:

Kettle, meet pot

The essence of chutzpah

Senior Obama strategist David Axelrod stood by his comments likening Mitt Romney to Richard Nixon, charging on Friday that the former Massachusetts governor was “trying to turn the clock back 50 years on transparency and disclosure” and that the media should call him out for it.

Spy in the sky

Rich Lowry says we should just get over our silly panic about drones spying on us all the time:

Too much of a good thing

OK, I think this bacon thing has finally been taken too far:

Southern California burger chain Slater’s 50/50 has spent the past couple years making a name for itself through its flagship  burger patty that blends 50% ground beef and 50% ground bacon into a local hero of a menu item.

Here we go

Be afraid, be very afraid:

With the Supreme Court giving President Obama’s new health care law a green light, federal and state officials are turning to implementation of the law — a lengthy and massive undertaking still in its early stages, but already costing money and expanding the government.

America the beautiful


You haven’t seen the country until you’ve driven across it. And you won’t really grasp the fallacy of the Left’s bogus argument that we’re running out of space and resources until you do.

Posted in: Current events

What's the cost?

Twist and switch

Alanis Morissette, please pay attention:

When Long Beach, Indiana, native John G. Roberts was up for confirmation to become U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, he did not get the vote of then U.S. Sen. Barack Obama.

Found money

By golly, this is historic. The state promised us some money back if its tax revenue piled up sufficiently, and we're actually going to get the refund:


INDIANAPOLIS -- Indiana taxpayers will be getting a refund of at least $100 next year, thanks to a surplus of state revenues and a new state law that requires some of the extra cash be returned to Hoosiers.

Bottom study of the day

Well, duh:

Spanking as a discipline tactic has been linked to mental illnesses later in life, according to a new study. But it also showed that  cross-ethnic and international research found that when a culture views spanking as normal, then spanking does not cause later harm.


A July the Fourth appreciation of the genius ofthe Declaration of Independence:
