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If looks could kill

One of those pop-culture sites recently did a post on "Twenty Celebrities that have Aged Miserably." It's kind of a mean-spirited post -- if celebrities seem to age worse than most people, it's only because they started out

A moderate complaint

There is a lot of talk these days about Evan Bayh's "moderation" and "centrism," sure signs for those who forgot it that he is up for re-election next year:

Bayh's middle of the road approach is in character for the Indiana Democrat who has built a political career on being a voice of moderation.

[. . .]

It was just a sham day

Drat. Somebody forgot to send me the memo on this, so I screwed up and called St. Patrick's Day St. Patrick's Day yesterday:

Faith and begorrah, is nothing sacred?

Some folks are trying to transform the name of Tuesday's holiday from St. Patrick's Day to “Shamrock Day.”

The perils of frugality

"Things are tough all over" department:

Beth Rogers is taking the family's finances into her own hands — literally.

Kindle magic

The plug has been pulled on newspapers. They're already circling the drain. But, wait -- Kindle to the rescue?

Walking distance

Huh. I thought it would have been higher, but maybe because I'm thinking of the immediate area around the Capitol:

A web site that gages the walkability of the top 40 U.S. cities puts Indianapolis near the bottom of the list.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Smoke break

We all know that the embassies of other countries are considered sovereign territory, where the laws of the other country rather than U.S. laws apply. Apparenly, some think that's true for county-operated space as well:

About 10 complaints have been made relating to smoking inside offices at the Clark County Government Building over the last several months, according to Andi Hannah, coordinator for the Clark County Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Coalition.

Worst country gets best food

Finally the sign so many have been waiting for -- the first small element of civilization in one of the world's most oppressed nations: 

North Korea's first pizzeria has opened in the capital Pyongyang, according to a Japan-based newspaper.

Chefs were sent to Italy for training by leader Kim Jong-il, who said North Koreans should be able to try the world's best foods, said Choson Sinbo.

Posted in: Current Affairs

GI Joe College

It's hard to overstate how important the GI Bill was after World War II, not just to a generation of young Americans but to the whole country. It changed whom we considered college appropriate for and even our whole notion of what college should be. And except for the way the war started bringing women into the work force, the burgeoning middle class thus created was probably the most lasting effect of that era.

Go for it

Rules? There are rules for spending $787 billion?

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama wants governors to hurry up and begin building bridges and schools to revive the economy. His administration is learning that spending $787 billion as quickly and transparently as promised is no easy task.

History history history history

There are a million people who want to come here from just one country.

Sorry, can't assimilate that many.

But they're escaping terrible hardships.

Not the same as political persecution, is it?

What about all that "give us your tired, your poor" stuff?

But these people are tired and poor and not like us. They're uneducated, and they talk funny. What can they add to our society?

Just a reminder that in some ways history doesn't change much:

Be sincere in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is being accused of "borrowing" it's new slogan:

Wisconsin's new state slogan is already inspiring something, but it's not exactly unanimous praise.

Gov. Jim Doyle said Monday the state will use "Live like you mean it" to promote Wisconsin as a tourism and business destination, replacing the slogan "Life's So Good."

Not such a nyfty idea

This is just plain dumb:

Plans call for Sci Fi and its companion Web site (scifi.com) to morph into the oddly spelled Syfy — pronounced the same as “Sci Fi” — on July 7. The new name will be accompanied by the slogan “Imagine Greater,” which replaces a logo featuring a stylized version of Saturn.

A crying shame

Who says real men don't cry? First up:

Jack O. Hatfield is being held in the Vanderburgh County Jail on a preliminary felony charge of burglary. Bond was set at $5,000 cash.

[. . .]

I placed Mr. Hatfield in handcuffs, who was at that point, already crying and said 'I'm going to get 10 years for this," Evansville Police Department Officer Matthew Knight wrote in the affidavit.

Brass attack

Apparently, remanufacturers of military brass will no longer be able to buy surplus brass from the Department of Defense. Now, all brass ammunition will have to be shredded and sold as scrap. Some ammunition manufacturers say this will really reduce their output, and lots of gun enthusiasts see it as the Obama administration's first volley in the war against the Second Amendment:

Alec's ox

If even Alec Balwdwin can see the light, maybe there is a glimmer of hope after all:

We're constantly told that taxes don't matter to business and investors, but listen to that noted supply-side economist, Alec Baldwin. The actor recently rebuked New York Governor David Paterson for threatening to try to help close the state's $7 billion budget deficit by canceling a 35% tax credit for films shot in the Big Apple.

Bzzz, bzzz

So, maybe there is at least one advantage to getting older and losing part of your faculties. There is a hallway in Lafayette Jefferson High School in which administrators don't want the kids to congregate. So they installed something called a Mosquito, which emits a high-frequency noise:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Now, THIS is a national depression

As someone with libertarian leanings, I've never especially looked to institutions for answers. But this is troubling, nonetheless:

The only major institution to have gained a statistically significant about of trust since 2000 is the military, which is now the most trusted major institution in the country .

Posted in: Current Affairs

A morel booster

The Indianapolis Star offers advice on mushroom hunting for those who want to avoid achieving loam temperature after ingesting their favorite fungi:

The best tip I can give anybody is to go with an experienced mushroom hunter, a person you trust to know the difference between a poisonous false morel and an edible morel.

[. . .]

Abide by this mushroom hunter code: When in doubt, throw them out.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Spreadin' the news

An important message from Hoosier AG Today:

Legislation making its was through the Indiana General Assembly would add oversight and regulations to your manure manage process.

In other words, License Will Soon Be Needed to Spread Manure. Unless, of course, you're a member of the General Assembly.
