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Opening Arguments

Blowing smoke

If you've been following the global warming debacle, which is an even bigger fraud than Obamacare, you don't need a lecture on the deadly mixture of science and politics. It has become obvious that the left is happy to make up the science as it goes along as one part of whatever it takes to advance its agenda. Too many "scientists," alas, are happy to go along with it to make sure they keep getting funding.

You have a right to my opinion

"I am highly tolerant of your right to think and say anything you want to, just as long as I agree with it." That's the oeprating principle of the progressive thought police, who are really out in force these days. First up, we have the ACLU, normally a fearless fighter for free speech rights, taking the side of New Mexico's "public accommodations" discrimination law instead of the side of the phtographers who didn't want to shoot a gay wedding because it went agains their beliefs:


An amusing bemusement

Hey, get a load of this:

Some at Indiana bemused

with Michigan grad speaker


Some graduating Indiana University students are scratching their heads that the University of Michigan's president will be their commencement ceremony speaker this weekend.

The bandwagon finally got here

Whatever happened to Midwestern common sense?

Climate change is not just about whether polar bears have enough ice to live on. If it were, Kokomo wouldn’t have a direct interest in the topic.

But the issue matters to Kokomo — and to communities of all sizes across Indiana and the country.

Man-child in the promises land

Pajama Boy, the smug and twerpy man-child in the new Obamacare ads, is being relentless and justifiably mocked by the right. But let's not laugh so hard to fail to learn a lesson:

Yes, dear

Bias? What bias?

Baba Wawa, speaking with Piers Morgan:

Well, you’ve touched on it to a degree. He made so many promises. We thought that he was going to be – I shouldn’t say this at Christmastime, but – the next messiah. And the whole ObamaCare, or whatever you want to call it, the Affordable Health Act, it just hasn’t worked for him, and he’s stumbled around on it, and people feel very disappointed because they expected more.

Late to bed

Many parents "put their child to bed far too early":

Bad news for parents - toddlers are better at choosing their own bedtimes than adults, according to a new study.

Posted in: Current events

Power play

Whew! Cato Institute Vice President Gene Healy has announced his annual Worst Op-Ed of the Year winner, and it isn't me. The honor goes to New York Times thumbsucker David Brooks, whose winning entry explains "why we need to strengthen the presidency":

Somebody must be suffering

Women think the workplace is unfair to them, even though it is not. How come? This, I think:

Maybe, but it’s the constant media drumbeat about supposed unfairness that’s making women think the decks are stacked against them at all. Consider, even though many women seem to believe the playing field isn’t level when it comes to wages and hiring, Pew finds that “relatively few working adults report these types of gender biases at their own workplace.”

License to cohabit

This is just one ruling by one judge, but I think it's pretty indicative of where we are as a society and where we're headed:

Peter O'Toole

RIP, Peter O'Toole. God almighty, what a freakisly handsome man he was in his "Lawrence of Arabia" days. He was the first man I noticed for his sheer physical beauty, the kind of looks that sparks lust in women and envy in men. But he was a hell of a talented actor on top of it. In fact, he holds the record for the most Oscar nominations without a win.

The big unbang

OMG, has FEMA been alerted?

Physicists have long predicted that the universe may one day collapse, and that everything in it will be compressed to a small hard ball. New calculations from physicists at the University of Southern Denmark now confirm this prediction – and they also conclude that the risk of a collapse is even greater than previously thought.

Giving Santa the bird

Well, it's finally happened. Oldwhitemaleophobia has been pushed to as absurd an extreme as possible:

America is less and less white, but a melanin-deficient Santa remains the default in commercials, mall casting calls, and movies. Isn’t it time that our image of Santa better serve all the children he delights each Christmas?

The early years

Everybody seems to be having a good laugh either over President Obama's selfie at the Mandela funeral or the breathtaking con job done by the fake interpreter for the deaf. But if we can get serious for a moment, let's think about what we can learn from Nelson Mandela's life story about one of the enduring questions of civilization: When in a political struggle is violence justified? And don't say "never," or you'd be ruling out all wars, including ones most people agree were necessary.

Get your pope hat on

I was sort of expecting Time magazine to name Edward Snowden its Person of the Year, so I was mildly surprised when the non went to Pope Francis. But of course the editors weren't really honoring the pope. They were just trying to sell to us the pope they wanted to see:

Not exactly a grand bargain

Shake, rattle and roll

Can we just chill it a little on that handshake? Conservatives are in a sputtering rage over President Obama, eeeuu, actually touching tinpot dicator Raul Castro. Liberals are almost ecstatic over it as a "symbol" of a new world of peace and love. I tend to agree with the Boston Globe that it's no bfd:

Spaced out

This isn't quite up there with Obamacare in the "taking a bad situation and making it far worse" category, but it's certainly worth a "what the hell were they thinking?" shout out:
