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Opening Arguments

Zombies like it quiet

This is just precious:

The noise from a new skate park in Connecticut is too much for rocker Rob Zombie.

He and his wife have complained to the Litchfield County town of Woodbury that the park, which opened near their home in April, makes such a racket that it should be moved.

Posted in: Movies, Music

A team effort

This still seems wrong to me:

East Allen County Schools board voted Tuesday night to allow homeschooled students to participate on the district's high school athletic teams.

[. . .]

EACS officials believe the district is the first in the state to allow homeschooled athletes to play for IHSAA member schools.

Snooze alarm

Been there, done that:

For the first time in 39 years, folksy weather guru Al Roker, who is up most days before the rooster crows, missed an early-morning talk-show slot today -- because he overslept.

Guns and crime

Our vets deserve better

At least they're not in denial. Maybe that's a sign things will improve:

The Chief of Staff at the VA Northern Indiana Healthcare System has reviewed the Department of Veterans Affairs inspection of its hospital and it agrees with the findings.

Give me whiner for $2,000, Alex

I swear, the media can gin up a phony controversy over the stupidest things:

NEWTOWN -- Newtown eighth-grader Thomas Hurley III was thrilled to be chosen as a contestant on the Kids Week episode of the television game show "Jeopardy!" that was filmed in February and aired this week.

Excessive force

A one-month suspension is being served by Fort Wayne Police Officer James Arnold, accused of using excessive force, and the case might result in a change in the way the department handles such cases:

Chief Rusty York says video from a squad car camera captured Arnold punching and delivering elbow strikes to the man, fracturing his jaw.

The man had to be hospitalized.

A tad off

Have I got a deal for you!

Time served

This seems like a pretty big deal, not because it sets a precedent or anything close to it, but because it leaves unresolved questions that might bring more such cases in the future:

Heaven help us

We just can't figure out where to draw that church-state line. There are now three controversies in Indiana alone. First, Indiana and Texas, joined by 21 other states, have filed an amicus brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court for an "unambigious ruling" permitting prayer before legislative bodies without requiring legislative leaders so screen prayers for sectarian references:

Bad, bad words

PC has been running amok for some time, of course. And just when we think it can't possibly get any amoker, here come Seattle and New York to prove us wrong:

Weather made me do it

Oh, foi God's sake:

Shifts in climate are strongly linked to increases in violence around the world, a study suggests.

US scientists found that even small changes in temperature or rainfall correlated with a rise in assaults, rapes and murders, as well as group conflicts and war.

Posted in: Religion, Science

Head fake

Yikes! As an editorial writer, I'm somewhat taken aback when I see that an opinion page editor got fired for a headline he put on an editorial:

The monster speaks

The most outrageous "blame the victim" defense you're likely to hear all year:

At Thursday’s emotional, 4-hour sentencing hearing, Cleveland murderer, rapist, and kidnapper Ariel Castro said, “I am not a monster. I am sick.”  He denied he was a violent person and said he was a “happy person inside” but suffered from a porn addiction.

[. . .]

Death by cell phone

I knew I'd come to rely more and more on my smartphone, but I didn't realize how dependent I'd become on it until one day this week when I got home for lunch and realized I didn't have it. Looked all over the house, looked in the car, looked in the office when I got back to work. I finally did find it -- it had slipped out of my pants pocket and down beside the driver's seat. Whew! That was three hours of near panic.

Libertarians and abortion

Howard Dean doesn't know what he's talking about:

First of all, lesson number one, for Rand Paul, who is, by the way, not a libertarian. If you believe you ought to be able to tell women what to do with their reproductive rights you are not a libertarian.

Pentagon porn

A group called Morality in Media tried to get the Pentagon to ban the sales of magazines like Playboy and Penthouse on military bases, but the Pentagon declared that the magazines do not violate department rules against selling sexually explicit material on military property. But the Army has decided to stop selling adult magazines in PXes anyway. Not for the reason you might be thinking:

Tony's gone


Tony Bennett is expected to resign Thursday as Florida education secretary following two days of raging controversy over a school grading controversy in his home state of Indiana.


The man without a country now has a home, at least temporarily:

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has been granted temporary asylum in Russia and is allowed to enter the country’s territory.

The whistleblower has been granted temporary political asylum in Russia, Snowden’s legal representative Anatoly Kucherena said.
