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A bad week continues

Gov. Mike Pence has had a bad week, and this isn't going to make it any better. The conservative Hot Air blog just did a post-Freedom Summit survey asking its readers for their GOP presidential picks. Confirming that he is, as the digital kids say, trending, Scott Walker came in first of the 14 candidates listed, and Ted Cruz was second. So this readership is obviously from the conservative wing of the GOP. And what did they think of Pence?

Oh, my God! Oh, never mind

I don't quite get this:


In the media capital of the world, however, the howls are loud after predictions of 30 inches or more fizzled into somewhere closer to five or six. Meteorologists are even apologizing for their somewhat overblown predictions.

Work details


I believe that the right and the obligation to work is one that’s shared by everyone in this country regardless of how they came here. And certainly, if someone here, regardless of status, I would prefer that they be participating in the workplace than not participating in the workplace…


Hve any insufferable SJWs in your life? That's social justice warrior, per Roosh V:

An early front runner


Let's talk trash.

Mike Huckabee is aghast at foul-mouthed women:

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said in a recent radio appearance that while in New York for his Fox News show, he experienced significant culture shock from all the “trashy” women swearing in a professional setting.

This just in

A lot of people in the press are grumbling over the state's intrusion on their turf after Gov. Mike Pence announced that the state its creating its own news agency. Called "Just IN," the website "will feature stories written by state press secretaries and is being overseen by a former Indianapolis Star reporter, Bill McCleery" and stories there will "range from straightforward news to lighter features, including personality profiles."

We can't hide

This is quite the attention grabber:

“The intrusion by a recreational drone early Monday onto the White House lawn exposed a security gap at the compound that the Secret Service has spent years studying but has so far been unable to fix, according to several officials familiar with the concern.”

Gumming up the works

President Obama has been scolded -- again -- for chewing gum at a public event, this time the Republic Day parade in India:

Hot trio

Forget those intricately structured GOP presidential debates that are going to be coming along. Unless they drastically reshape them (which is doubtful), we're not going to get anything more than sound bites out of them. They'll be pretty useless in helpng us to really understand where the candidates stand and what philosophical umbrella they under. Something like this is much more helpful:

Bell, unrung

You can't unring a bell. You can't call back the arrow. What's done is done. Measure twice and cut once. Our language is full of phrases urging great though before we act, because once we've acted there is no turning back.

But, well . . .




Oh, for God's sake:

The Doomsday Clock’s minute hand has been moved two minutes closer to midnight as experts warn we are closer than ever to a global catastrophe.

Free speech? What's that?

Trying times for the First Amendment. Students at the University of Kentucky will be able to choose between very little free speech and even less free speech:

The return of 2nd base

Well, that didn't last long:

Baring her breasts and winking at the camera, ‘Nicole from Bournemouth’ today brought to an end speculation that Page 3 had been killed off.

Dry heaves

I saw a report on CBS this morning about a great surge in the number of Cubans trying to cross the 90-mile strectch of water between the island and the United States and thought, "What the hell?" Isn't a major point of "normalizing" relations with Cuba to cut down on the number of people fleeing that country? Why are we suddenly an even more attractive destination? Naturally I had to turn to the print medium to get the part of the story TV couldn't bother with:

Sex owies

Question of the day -- what's the opposite of safe sex?

It might have emancipated women from the drudgery of the 'Missionary Position', but it seems that men are paying a painful price for revolution in the bedroom.

"Woman on top" is the most dangerous sex position, according to a new scientific study.

A little SOTU nap

Looks like she might be smarter than I give her credit for:

Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg appeared to fall asleep during President Obama's lenghty State of the Union address:

Probably would have happened to me, except that I was watching "Big Bang Theory" reruns instead. More reality there, and it's intentionally funny. Love this Tweet: "We are all Ruth Bader Ginsburg now."

No more 2nd base on Page 2

So, no more "Page 3 Girls," the topless models who have graced Britain's The Sun newspaper for 45 years. Whether this was aimed at appeasing feminist ire was a matter of speculation, but the feminists certainly are rejoicing. However, I found this possible explanation a little more intriguing:
